The Forgotten Song

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Naruto and Yuka could only stair at the scene in front of them with unreadable expressions on their faces while Kohta could only gape at them in the awkward moment and Nyu was oblivious too everything "W..w..wait this isn't what it looks like!" Kohta tried to defend himself as Yuka looked at him before huffing "Here's your key to the house" she stated as she moved for the door "Go after her I'll sort out Nyu-Chan" Naruto told Kohta who sent him grateful nod before chasing Yuka.

With a sigh Naruto moved over to Nyu who was playing with her breasts causing a deep blush to sprout on Naruto's face as he fought back a nosebleed, gently slapping her hands away he pulled her jumper all the way down to cover her modesty just in time to hear to a slapping sound, getting up Naruto walked out to see Kohta holding his cheek before he shivered "Man I just got a chill, I hope I'm not catching a cold" Kohta wondered out loud causing Naruto to sweat drop at him "Hey go lie down I'll get the thermometer" Naruto told him, with a grateful thanks Naruto set off in to the kitchen to rummage through the draws, entering Kohta's bedroom Naruto found him in bed with a concerned Nyu looking over him, handing the thermometer to Kohta who stuck it in his mouth and waited for minute before taking it and looking at it "39 degrees, crap" Kohta stated then looking out the window he sighed "It's morning already" Naruto blinked in shock where the hell had the time gone, oh that's right he was saving the pink haired damsel in distress, shaking his head free from the thoughts Naruto left the room to get ready for the day, first things first though he needed a bath.

1 hour later

After his bath to clean him self off from last nights excitement Naruto exited his room wearing a black long sleeved shirt, an orange over shirt along faded blue jeans and white sneakers, as he walked into the room to check on Kohta and Nyu he was surprised to see Yuka there leaning over Kohta pushing their foreheads together, a teasing grin worked its way to his lips "So when's the wedding?" Naruto wiggled his eye brows at the two, who had jumped away from each other with red hues on the faces neither willing to look at on another, laughing softly Naruto took into account that Nyu was missing "Where's Nyu-Chan?" Yuka pointed be hind him turning he saw Nyu wearing a pink and yellow dress with a long green hat.

Laughing slightly Naruto spoke in an assumed tone "Well aren't you looking cute today" "NYU!" Was his only response before she dove on him hugging him tightly causing them to fall to the ground laughing "You missed it Naruto, Nyu-Chan spoke properly before" Yuka stated with a smile"Oh really what did you say Nyu-Chan?" Naruto questioned while the girl sat on top of him "Water!" Nyu spoke with a smile "Hey that's really good, can you say anything else?" Naruto asked curiously, Nyu took on a thinking pose as if trying to figure out a word to say before her eyes lit up in recognition "Rasengan!" Kohta and Yuka looked confused by the strange word while Naruto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, how the hell had she heard him say the techniques name when he had hardly whispered it! He needed to find away to change the subject quickly before the others asked questions "You know I've been thinking about you two living with Nyu-Chan alone wouldn't be such a great idea so I thought it would be better if I moved in as well" Thank you Yuka! Although she may have possibly stated Naruto and Kohta were perverts but he was happy with the change in subject.

10 minutes later

We find our blond hero helping Yuka unpack her things until he came across an odd looking brown box, picking it back up he was just about to open it when Yuka grabbed it from it from his hands "Oh it's the music box" she spoke in a distant voice completely oblivious to Naruto's twitching eye brow watching her leave Naruto followed her out of the room just in time to hear Kohta say something perverted and being scolded by Yuka causing him to laugh at the scene, deciding to help clean the floors Naruto set of in to the kitchen to find a rag "Naruto could you get Nyu-Chan a rag too, she wants to help us clean" nodding at Yuka's request he walked into the hall way to see Kouta rubbing Nyu's breasts which caused Naruto to feel extremely angry before blinking 'Why am I angry?' He thought he to him self before he laughed at Kohta being slapped by Yuka,
After bidding farewell to Yuka who had left in a huff, Naruto was just about to start cleaning again "Hello?" Turning towards the front door he saw a young girl about 12 or 13 years old wearing a long yellow jumper and brown shoes, she had brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes, in her hands was a familiar looking umbrella.

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