I Thought You Were Different

978 39 1

It's been over a year since Naruto arrived at the city called Kamakura and he loved his new life sure he had to live in a forest but at least he got to train in peace for first few weeks he built up chakra control by sticking numerous leaves to his body like in said in scroll he continued to do this till he could do it like second nature, then he learned the Henge and Kawarimi no Jutsu he continued to do the till he could do them with out hand signs. He was going to wait till he was older to start the Rasengan and Kage bunshin as he didn't think he was ready yet and decided to work on fighting with chakra enhanced punches and kicks, he also worked on throwing and fighting with the kunai as a last lethal resort along with his steal wire. He spent spare time reading books about the world that he got at the library with the money he saved so he knew a few basics of this side of the world, he also learned how to hunt and scavenge to help him get by.

We find Naruto being rudely awakened but two police men.

"Hey kid get up" "what is it" Naruto replied half awake.

"What are you doing out here?" One asked in interest

"I live here" Naruto side in a tired tone, "what you live here kid, where's your parents?"

"I don't have any" he whispered angrily, the police man didn't notice the anger in his voice because he felt sorry for him so but he had a job to do so he came to a compromise.

"Well listen kid this is public property so you can't stay here but if you are all by your self I will need to take you to a local orphanage so that you can have roof over your head and some food in your belly how about it?" He asked in a kinder tone than before.

Naruto thought it over it would be nice to sleep in a proper be bed and to have some real food plus he could probably make some new friends but what he really was after was a shower, after some thought he nodded to the officer who smiled in return telling him to pack what he wanted to take high a nod they set outside the forest and in to the police men's car.

20 minuets later

After a short drive the pulled up large building and saw a young women about 24 with brown hair and brown eyes wear white jeans and a blue sweater.

"Oh hello this must the boy you called about?" She asked in a kind tone from the nod of the police man she waved her hand telling him to follow. Once inside she told him to walk down the corridor and wait for while she finds a room for him, with a nod Naruto walked don't the yellow and blue corridor passing a few red doors on his way when he over heard something deciding to take a look he opened the the to see three boys the same age as him picking on girl their age with pink hair and two horns on her head wearing a white button shirt and a red skirt he couldn't see her face as her back towards him so he listened in.

"How's it going today horns?" The leader of the three asked in sarcasm, "You know I heard you were born in a field full of cows because of your horns, because your totally not a human" he spoke laughing but when Naruto he became pissed when he heard them calling her.

"Just leave me alone" she said while turning to walk away but the leader grabbed her shoulder and raised his fist, at this Naruto acted.

Girls POV

When I saw him raise his fist I closed my eyes just hopped they would leave me alone.


I tensed when heard the impact but I realised that I didn't feel anything, opening my eyes I saw why. There standing directly in front me was boy with back to me and his arm stretched out catching the assholes hand, turning his head slightly to look at me I just couldn't help but blush at how he looked, I saw this boy had a pair of the most clear shade of blue I had ever seen, his spiky blond hair and whisker marks on his cheeks he was also a little tanned, I managed to snap out of my trance when he spoke to me.

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