The Other Known As Lucy

655 17 7

In the elemental nations

Minato who had aged slightly sat in a room with 7 other people, the first was his wife who had not aged a day the last over the past 12 years since Naruto had left, oh how he regretted his decision to train only Ria and not Naruto, but he firmly believed her to be the child of prophecy, the one who would bring true peace to the entire world just as his sensei Jiraiya had said, not just because she was a talented ninja but also because she had the power of the Kyuubi inside off her, but it seemed that wasn't the case.
You see when Ria made it to the finals of the chunin exam, she fought against Hyuuga Neji who was a talented ninja but when he sealed off her chakra with his gentle fist Ria had tried to use the Fox's power to win but it had turned out to be a terrible mistake, as soon as her chakra points opened the fox's power attacked her chakra network destroying nearly all chakra points in her body, she was left in critical condition and Neji was declared the winner, when Minato had checked the seal he was shocked to find out that Ria had not even a tails worth of the tailed beasts chakra, throughout the years they had been training her, getting her ready to control the fox's power only to find out that she didn't have much of the beasts power.
And as sad as Minato believes he was relieved, because shortly after that he had discovered that if Ria had been left with chakra for another year or two she would have died from chakra poisoning, their had also been another price to pay while they had managed to save Ria despite not having a chakra network, the doctors could not save her womb which had been where all bijuu chakra had gathered, she along with his wife had been devastated when they had found out that she could no longer bare any children taking away both of her dreams, to raise her own family and to become the first female Hokage.
And it only got worse not long after that as the sound and sand shinobi attacked creating more of death and destruction, when everything finally settled down they were attacked by two members of the 'Akatsuki' who were hunting the bijuu and their jinjuriki, apparently they had captured 6 of the bijuu before a new threat had come to surface and the Akatsuki ended up joining the alliance, the new threat had also declared war on the 5 great nations demanding them to give them the three last Bijuu which happened to be the Ichibi, the Hachibi and the Kyuubi.
He sighed as he thought of The Kyuubi, his poor son Naruto didn't even know that it was inside him, he had kept Naruto in the dark believing it was kinder to let him live on with his life not knowing what was inside him, he had been wrong, after finding out that Naruto had run a way he soon discovered that the people of the village, 'His' village had been abusing his son, treating him like he was the lowest scum of the earth, when he found out Minato became pissed, he imprisoned everyone who had hurt his son some were even give capital punishment.
When Kushina found out she was left broken, simply broke she had believed she was a wonderful mother how had two amazing children to care for, when in reality she favoured one and ignored the other, she had spent nearly a full two year in Naruto's room crying, begging him to return home, the only time she had left was to eat which was barely anything and to use the bathroom.
Ria hadn't really spoken about it that much, she had tried to drown herself in training but it didn't work so she promised herself that she would find him and bring him back home, anyway on with the story.
The second was the third Tsuchikage Ōnoki, the third was the forth Mizukage Mei, the forth and fifth was the fourth Riakage Ay and his brother Killer Bee the Hachibi jinjuriki, the sixth was the Kazekage Gaara who is also the Ichibi jinjuriki and Orochimaru the Otokage, they were currently discussing the upcoming war.
"To think I'd be dragged into another war, I somehow blame you Hokage-Dono" Ōnoki said causing Minato to wince while Kushina gritted her teeth.
"It all our faults, perhaps if the jinjuriki were treated better this might not be happening right now" Gaara said as Bee nodded.
"That reminds me, how is your bijuu training coming along Gaara?" Ay asked.
"Shakaku and I are almost battle ready, we are just trying to lengthen our transformation time" Gaara said.
"Hmm but what do we plan to do? We have two bijuu and the most important one is lost, no offence to you Gaara-Kun or Bee-Kun but I would prefer to have the Kyuubi on our said to win this war" Orochimaru said causing Minato and Kushina to look down slightly at the thought of their son.
"How many years has it been since the last we heard anything about the boy, 3 or 4 years right? Last seen in the Wave country" Mei asked.
"Unfortunately we will have to fight on with the Ichibi and Hachibi, and even if we did know where Naruto was there is a small chance he will would even think about helping us, and we don't even know how strong he is or even if he still alive"Minato said sadly.
"I'm sorry Minato, but if your son is alive then he has no other choice but to help us, I don't say this to sound like I'm being unreasonable but we have millions of people's lives in our hands and if I have to force the boy to help us then I will do what I must"Orochimaru said with narrowed eyes.
Just when Minato was about to reply both Gaara and Bee stiffed as their bijuu spoke to them, drawing the attention of Kushina.
"Are you two alright"she asked drawing the attention Bee first.
"Hat-San just told me, he felt the Kyuubi!" Bee rapped getting gasp from everyone.
"Where?!" Minato shouted in historic, Gaara picked up where Bee left off.
"Their not sure it faded before they could pinpoint it, all they know is that it's far far way and very weak, like when jinjuriki activates their power for the first time" Gaara stated getting gasps from everyone but Bee.
"For you're son to go his whole life with out drawing on the Kyuubi's chakra I have to admit I am impressed" Mei said as Minato looked out to the window to the sky.
"Naruto" he mumbled as he heard Kushina silently crying to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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