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May, 2021

May, 2021

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it was graduation day for sofia, savannah, lucas and pietro

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it was graduation day for sofia, savannah, lucas and pietro. vinnie had arrived the night before in seattle, but none of the four knew yet (actually, nobody knew he was coming, even his family was surprised when he showed up at their house out of nowhere, asking them not to tell his friends anything).

the graduation was set to start at 2pm, so, once he was ready, he went with his parents and brother to sofia's high school. apparently, his family was going to go even without him because sofia's parents' had invited them, which was a surprise to him. he wasn't expecting his parents to still be friends with his ex's family. but, they were even invited to a celebration happening afterwards at sofia's, so their families were definitely in talking terms.

once at the high school, they tried to find andrew and annelise, sofia's parents, who were sat pretty close to savannah's and the twins' families. and, for that reason, vinnie was thankful he could sit with harry (and reggie) during the ceremony.

"i can't believe you came all the way here to support your friends! that's so sweet of you, vinnie." elizabeth, savannah's mom, said, smiling at the boy

"i don't think he came here for all his friends..." reggie replied, laughing "unless, you consider sofia to be multiple people at the same time. then, yeah, he's here for his friends."

"reggie, don't say something like that! it's just rude!" nate complained, not liking his son's behavior "i'm sure vinnie's here for the four of them."

"i think, if sofia didn't study here, he'd probably just send his friends a text congratulating them. but, that's only my opinion." harry said, shrugging his shoulders at the end

a few moments later, the boy vinnie kept seeing in photos with sofia joined them, sitting close to her parents "who is that guy? is it dave?" vinnie asked reggie, hoping his brother would know who it was

"that's noah and he's kind of their family assistant now." reggie said, vinnie raising his eyebrows at his vague explanation "and, he's sofia's cousin. and, he's younger than her by like, two years... chill, bro." he rolled his eyes and the ceremony started just then

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now