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vani and anthony were the first to arrive, as the girl wanted to be the one introducing sofia to everybody else. her boyfriend, as quiet as he was - to those he didn't know well -, actually hit off well with sofia, although the only thing they've found in common, until then, was their love for avani. it was enough, though.

vinnie kept sofia close to him as more and more of his friends arrived. troy, being the extrovert person that he is, hugged the girl tightly the moment he saw her, which scared her a bit, but she did enjoy. aaron arrived next and he was way less invasive than troy, only shaking her hand and muttering "nice to meet you". they now were only waiting for jordan and maddy, as baby j was traveling at the moment.

the couple arrived a while later, maddy immediately complimenting sofia's outfit, leaving the girl really happy. it took a lot of fighting to choose a movie and in the end, they decided on watching criminal minds, which isn't even a movie. but, it was either that or a thriller.

"oh my god, i love matthew grey gubler!" avani clapped her hands excitedly, the other two girls agreeing almost instantly, the boys being confused by it "he still hasn't aged a bit."

"yeah, i can't believe he's like forty or something." sofia shook her head "i need a dilf like matthew, to be honest." she joked, making vinnie push her away from him lightly

"i'm gonna ignore that." he said, hugging her body close to him again and focusing his attention on the show that, in all honesty, almost no one was really watching

"let the girl breath, bro." troy laughed, looking between vinnie and sofia "you haven't let her out of your arms since we arrived and that was almost an hour ago."

sofia knew it was true, but she didn't really mind it. it was comforting to feel vinnie's body close to hers, plus it was a reminder he was right there with her. he had, actually, only let go of her when she went to grab them drinks, and that was only once.

"oh, stop. i think it's quite cute!" maddy defended, shrugging her shoulders "i still can't believe vinnie had a high school sweetheart i didn't know about."

"that's because she's not his high school sweetheart, dummy." jordan smiled at his girlfriend "they'd have to be together ever since high school, without a break up, to be considered that. and, to be honest, they're not together officially, so, yeah."

"has anyone ever said you look a lot like timothée chalamet?" aaron spoke out of nowhere, looking at sofia "because you do. and, i'm not even kidding."

"thanks?" sofia laughed, frowning her eyebrows in confusion "i don't know if i should take that as a compliment, but i'll do so."

a scream was heard coming from the TV and it made them turn their attention back to the show, once in a while making comments about it or even some random joke. after finishing three episodes, they ordered some postmates and waited whilst drinking beer - and, in some of their cases, red bull.

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now