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sofia, after the group of tiktokers left, still waited inside the café for a bit before leaving. she couldn't just go out with them or people would assume things. walking out of the place, she noticed most of the people outside had left already and the few who stayed, were also ready to leave. she just ignored these fans - them doing the same to her, as they had no idea who she was - and got into her car.

vinnie had sent her the hype house address - since he was the only one who had her number - and a few instructions on how to get there. as she didn't know los angeles well enough, she just chose to use a gps. it would be easier than getting lost somewhere.

the drive to the house was a bit too long for the girl's liking, she didn't really know if she would stay that much time there as she was not willing to drive back home at night - it was a fear of her, but she didn't know the reason to. when she parked next to their house, alex was already outside by the door.

"everybody's waiting inside, come in." the boy said as she walked closer. they entered the house, her seeing the same group that was with her, along with another boy, who she guessed was jack wright. she had seen him a few times in vinnie's videos or on his instagram.

"i was starting to worry you wouldn't come." vinnie said as soon as he laid eyes on her "now that you're here, i'm going to my room to stream." he sent her a small smile, getting up from the couch

"oh." sofia muttered, a bit disappointed he wouldn't stay longer "that's ok." she tried to hide her feelings by putting on a fake smile and turning to the others "have you guys planned anything for while i'm here?"

mia, who noticed the change of her expression at vinnie's words, nudged the boy before he left and pointed at her. he looked back at mia confused, the girl rolling her eyes and mouthing "invite her".

"uh... you can come with me, if you want to?" vinnie asked nervously "or, you can stay with them and do something else, maybe more fun. i don't really know."

as much as sofia wanted to accept his offer, she felt like it would be disrespectful to the others. as if reading her thoughts, kouvr pushed her lightly in the direction of vinnie.

"just go with him, we can hang out another time." the girl said, smiling at sofia "you can come here as many times as you want, so don't worry about us for now, really."

after making sure they were really ok with her not staying with them, even though that was the whole point of their invitation, sofia followed vinnie to his room. she already knew where it was from the last time she had went there and not much had changed, but it still felt different from before.

"you can stay in my bed, the view from my webcam on my streams doesn't show it, so you'll be safe." vinnie smiled at his ex, holding back from the urge of cancelling his live and just laying with her during the whole afternoon

he started his stream a few minutes later. sofia didn't really pay attention to it, rather focusing on her phone - she was scrolling through her for you page, having a hard time holding her laughs in, as they could probably be heard by the boy's fans and she did not want that at all.

vinnie, on the other hand, was talking all of the time - not to her, of course. he was trying to focus on his game, valorant, but it was hard to do so knowing his ex was just a few feet away from him. also, most of the people on twitch were talking either about nailea or the misterious girl, and this was going on for weeks now. it wasn't the most fun thing to read that many times the same comment.

"guys, can you stop talking about my personal life? nailea and i are just friends." he let out a frustrated sigh, sofia having her attention peeked at the mention of the youtuber's name "just talk about the game."

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now