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December, 2021

sofia and vinnie were dating for a week now

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sofia and vinnie were dating for a week now. for most people, that seemed like not much time - one week wasn't enough to build up a strong relationship, so why celebrate it? -, but, to this couple, it meant a lot. the amount of hate sofia had gotten in that one week was just too much, even though she tried her hardest to ignore it.

her and vinnie were enjoying their time together the best they could. when the boy wasn't streaming or doing some work related stuff with the hype house, he was most likely with sofia. she had even prepared a streaming spot in her apartment, for when he wanted to stay over.

as for him, he had bought a vanity for his bedroom and even offered sofia to buy her makeup to put in the drawers, but she was quick to deny and bought some herself. his friends made fun of him when they heard about what he had done, yet, he didn't care at all. he loved spoiling sofia and she also loved spoiling him.

the most important part was that all his friends loved her. he always worried about his friends and family not liking a girlfriend of his, so knowing they liked her presence was a big relief to him - he did know already that his family liked her, his friends were his only worry.

mia seemed to like her more than him (not too hard to happen, since sofia helped the girl a lot with her outfits), and jack and jett would, most times they'd hang out, ask for his girlfriend to be there - even before the relationship, when they were only talking, they did that. most shocking of them all was michael having a soft spot to her (it creeped vinnie out, if he were to be honest).

he didn't even need to mention anthony, troy, jordan, aaron and baby j because they absolutely loved sofia. and, he had to admit the reason he started hanging out again with the group was her. they started having a weekly meet up ever since they met her, together with avani and maddy. it was pretty fun.

unfortunately, sofia didn't have any friends outside of the tiktok world yet, as she had not started college, so everybody she knew, her boyfriend was already friends with. even the ones he wasn't that close, he had interacted with before. there wasn't anyone to judge vinnie the way she was judged during her first days in los angeles. she didn't really care about it, though.

the couple was currently out skating with troy and aaron. the skatepark they were at was packed, but, thankfully, not many people were bothering them - just a few fans asking for pictures. vinnie and sofia were trying to learn a new trick, called the laser flip, whilst their two friends skated around.

"no, your back foot is supposed to go down and back." sofia argued with vinnie, frustrated "you're doing it wrong, vin."

"i know, bubs. i just like to see you getting all worked up." the boy laughed, pressing a kiss to her forehead and proceeding to do the part of the trick she was teaching him how to "ok, what's next?"

"a varial heelflip." she read off her phone, detailing the move to him "think you can do that?"

"i can try..." he shrugged his shoulders and followed her instructions, almost falling to the ground when his board slipped from his feet "maybe i can't."

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now