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the cool wind blew softly onto yn's skin, sending shivers up their spin. the view of the beach was something they always loved. always spending their free time coming down here to think about certain things and to figure things out.

'should i tell them?"

that one thought always clouded their mind each day. their feelings for a certain someone grew stronger each time they looked at them.

"should i tell them?" yn looked down and asked their dog that was lying comfortably on the sand. the dog looked up and tilted their head in confusion. yn let out a chuckle and scratched the back of their dog's ear.

"perhaps not..." yn said to themself.

they continued to look at the body of water, thinking of that one person they cant stop thinking about.

they sigh and closed their eyes. "god feelings suck."

"what do you mean by that?"

yn jumped by the voice that interrupted their thinking and quickly turned around to see who it was. yn eyes widen seeing who it was.

the person smiled at them, giving them a small wave in which yn gave one back. yn's dog quickly got up and ran to them seeing it was someone they recognized. the person crouched to catch the dog and rub their head.

yn felt a funny feeling in their stomach seeing the small smile on their face and how they happy they look giving affection to their dog.

"what are you doing here inui?" yn quietly asked and went over to him. they crouched down to his level and began to pet their dog with him.

"was coming back from koko's house and i remembered you once told me you liked to come here on fridays in the afternoons." he replied to them.

a wave of heat rushed onto yn's cheek when they realized he remembered the conversation they had months ago.

yn looked at him. "i didn't think you would remember that."

inui looked up to meet their eyes. "i always remember what you tell me yn."

yn's dog let out a small bark at yn causing them flinch. yn looked at their dog to see them with their tongue out and wagging tail.

'... is this a sign?'

"your dog seems happy right now, wonder why." inui murmured and gave another pat to happy dog.

that funny feeling in their stomach came back, it made yn feel nervous but at the same time... it made them happy.

'i think i'll do it.'

"i have something to tell you inui." yn told him. he looked at them and gave them a nod.

"go for it."

yn felt themself become nervous.


yn out out a deep breathe.

"i like you.. i like you very much seishu inupi."

a huge weight was lifted off their shoulder. yn felt themself breathe comfortably now.

inui's eyes widen to the sudden confession. a light pink hue covering his cheeks as he felt himself become flustered.

yn's cheeks felt warm once again, looking at him with the same feeling he's feeling at the moment.

"you don't have to accept my confession but i just had to let you know." they told him and quickly averted their eyes from him to look at the beach.


yn felt their libs begin to tremble.

'perhaps this was a bad idea."

"i like you too yn." inui softly said to them. he reached up to touch their cheek and turn their head to his him.

"can i kiss you?" he asked to yn.

he saw yn's eyes give out a sprakle, their mouth slightly open as they were in disbelief to hear what he said.

he waited until yn gave a small nod.

he leaned in as he closed his eyes and brought his other hand to touch yn's face. yn grabbed onto his forearm and leaned in as well.

their lips finally met and yn felt that funny feeling in their stomach once again. his lips was soft against theirs, moving perfectly against theirs.

inui felt himself on cloud nine when he felt their lips. he's been wanting this, desiring it, and now he finally got it.

they broke apart to catch some air and yn squeezed his forearm. they gave him a childishly smile and hugged him. inui hugged them back, smiling at their action.

"i really like you yn.. like really really really like you." inui once again told them. yn giggled and hugged him tighter.

"im glad you returned my feelings inui." they told him. yn's dog barked again causing them to laugh and bring the dog into their hug.

they stayed in that position for while as they watched the sunset go down.

yn can finally say, they got the boy of their dreams.


HAYYY so yeah i finally decided to start these individual chapter now BC bc i got soft and have so many romantic love scenarios atm but TMR once i wake up, i'll start doing the next love interest 🤫

also sorry if theirs any typos or anything like that, plz do correct me! my eyesight atm is kinda wack 😭 gotta get a new prescription one of these days.

ALSO THE KISS was pretty boring i apologize, i cant write it for shit BUT BARE WITH ME PLZZZ

okay goodnight now!

INUI is one of them :)

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