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the light flickered onto yn's face as they waited outside the convenience store. they were munching on a donut as they waited for a person. it's been past an hour and the person's already late.

yn checked the time on their watched and rolled their eyes.

'great .. they're late.'

"hey what a pretty person like you doing here?" a voice called out to them. they turned around to see a random guy, much more older than them.

"uh just waiting for someone." yn gulped and started walking to the trash can to throw their wrapper away but to also get away from the person.

but yn felt him start following him. they mentally groaned, not wanting to deal with some asshole who's gonna ruin their night.

"say, what about you ditch your friend and hang out with me? i promise im fun." he smirked.

"perhaps have a little fun if you know what i mean?" he added as he gave a wink to yn.

if yn would vomit, they would. dealing with people like him always set them off and either they start a fight or they curse out people like him.

"im a minor, you look .. old.. so can you leave me alone please?" yn politely said to him but it just caused him to laugh.

"im not that old, how old are you? i don't think a lil age gap can hurt anybody?" he chuckled and came closer.

yn quickly walked backward but their back hit the trash can. they silently cursed and looked up to the guy.

"look dumbass i told you once and i hate repeating myself, leave me the hell alone." they demanded.

"oh come on now—"

"they told you to leave them alone didn't they?" a new voice interrupted the guy.

yn mentally thanked god for finally answering their prayers because the person they were waiting for was finally here.

"i don't like people like you. adults that prey on minors... you make me sick." sanzu blankly told the guy and walked closer to them.

yn could see the katana's bag he was holding and held in a laugh knowing how sanzu could be if you provoked him.

"who the hell are you?" the guy sneered.

sanzu hummed and walked over to yn and grabbed their hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"their boyfriend."

the guy laughed. "yeah right."

"if you don't leave them alone, i'll give you a beating." sanzu rolled his eyes at him.

yn nodded at him. "dude he has a katana, do what he says."

the guy clenched his jaw, pissed at sanzu for bothering him. he let out a tch as put his hands in his pockets and started walking away.


yn rolled their eyes at him and turned to sanzu. they let go of his hand and lightly slapped his chest making sanzu flinch at the sudden move.

"you're late." yn scoffed and started to walk away.

sanzu followed and quickly grabbed their hand again. "sorry, there was traffic."

yn nodded and stopped in their tracks. they have a sly smirk at sanzu and let out a giggle.

"boyfriend huh."

sanzu look at yn blankly.

"wanted him to get the hint to leave you alone."

"could've you .. i don't know.. threaten him with your katana." yn squinted at him.

sanzu shrugged. "wanted him to know you were off limits."

yn gaped at his answer. "the hell do you mean by that?"

with his open hand he took his mask off and grabbed yn's waist, bringing them closer to his body. he let go out yn's hand and brings the other hand to the side of their neck lightly. he leaned in closer, nose touching yn's nose.

yn could feel his hot breathe against their lips. their heart beating as if it was gonna explode due to the closeness.

"you're mine.. if that's .. if you let me be your boyfriend." he whispered.

yn felt their knees go weak as they let out a shaky breathe. they nodded, making sanzu give a smirk.

he brought his lips to their nose and gave them a light kiss. "let's go on that date i promised you my love."


MY GODDDDDDD finally. was listening to distraction by kehlani and WAS LIKE "let's finish this."

AND WE DONE. next chapter is voting chapter and yall will choose who u want yn to officially be with for the rest of the book 🤫🤫 LOL


i reread this like 2 times, but plz do tell me if there's any typos or mistakes!

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