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"how the hell do you keep eating so much food and never get fat." yn asked the person that was next to them.

both of them were at the park, on the swings after coming back from a meeting. both of them talked while they ate their snacks they got from the convenience store earlier.

"fast metabolism." the person chirped and took another bite on the ice cream they were holding.

yn smiled at them and started to swing  themself lightly on the swing.

"hey yn, where do you see yourself in the future?" the person asked.

yn hummed and thought for a minute then a small smile grew on their face. "well i see myself working in a career i enjoy, perhaps married to someone i love and surrounded by my friends."

the person smiled at yn's answer. they sighed and looked at yn to see how kept talking with a soft expression on their face. they can't help but feel captivated by yn and everything they do.

"what about you mikey?" yn broke mikey's out of his thoughts.

"where do you see yourself in the future?"

yn gave him a big smile as they waited for his answer but he can't help but think how beautiful the sunset looked on yn.

everything was so beautiful about yn to him.

their smile.

their eyes.

their laugh.


god he was falling for them by each minute he can feel his heart start to hurt.

"mikey?" yn quietly called out to him when he didn't answer their question.

"earth to mikeyyyy." yn poked his cheek causing him to get out of his thoughts.

"oh sorry, i was thinking." he chuckled. he felt yn's hand pat his head.

'never change yn.. please."

"it's alright. im a little concerned to be honest, what has you deep in thought?" yn questioned.

mikey mentally debated if he should tell yn or not. "yn, you asked me where i see myself in the future right?"

yn nodded and waited for him to continue.

"honestly i have no idea at the moment but ...."

he met their eyes and gave them his signature smile.

"i see myself being married to you yn!"

yn's eyes widen and a wave of heat washed over their cheeks. his answer caught them off guard that they almost dropped their ice cream.

yn let out a huh causing mikey to giggle. he grabbed their free hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss.

"i liked you ever since i met you yn. little ole me had eyes on you ever since you kicked me in the shin.... thought you were the coolest." he confessed causing yn's eyes to sparkle.

they let out a laugh and squeezed his hand. "god that makes me so happy to hear mikey."

mikey smile became wider. perhaps his dreams are becoming true.

"you promise to marry me?" yn asked him.

mikey put his forehead against yn's and have a quick peck against their lips.

"i promise."


YALL YALL i am seeing that some of you are getting confused let me explain again.

YOU ARE NOT CHEATING OK INUI AND HANMA OR THE REST DW !! as i said, these are individual chapters, think of them like one shots, in this chapter U like mikey and your relationship with hanma or inui never happened. after i publish the 2 other love interests, im gonna make a voting chapter where y'all choose who U think yn is best with 🤫 I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE PLZ i saw someone ask "are we hoe?" LMFAOO PLZ YALL no 😭 pls i rlly hope this makes sense

ANYWAYS 2 more left 😟

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