52. headcannons

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yn is an only child but they see half of toman members as their brothers

• yn first friend was Mikey and they first met when mikey stole yn's candy bar and so they kicked him on his shin and took their candy bar

• yn is multilingual 🤩

• yn got mitsuya into Kali Uchis and later on he took him and yn to a concert and he nearly cried when kali gave him a Wink.

• yn once told the mizo middle that they were from a different universe one time and "proved" it when they bent a finger and the boys somehow believed it and thought yn was an alien for a long time until takemichi told them yn was lying to them.

• yn's mom sees yn's friends as her own children, same with baji's mom. both moms visit each other and have tea :)

• yn is a big emma and draken shipper. made a whole plan like those movies where they try to plan a group hangout but yn lied about their mom needing them and leaving the two alone.

• takemichi rlly admires yn to the point he sometimes cry 🙁 "i wanna be like them."

• when yn and baji were life guards at the beach, both of them would collect crabs and when rindou wasn't watching, they would put on next to his hands to pinch him... He caught them and almost beat their ass 🤗

• yn knows how deeply the akane situation affected koko but sometimes they check up on inui from time to time since they know how koko intended to save akane instead of him. Yn just wants both of them to be okay.

• yn's aunt is Natasha Romanoff AKA black widow. she was the one the teach and train yn and make them a great fighter.

• hanma started crushing on yn when he saw them fight a group of guys that were trying to rob an old lady. he thought they were badass.

• since peh yan and pah chin are half hispanic (my head cannon btw) both of them and yn like to teach toman spanish and invite them to parties they have once in awhile.

• draken love to tease yn and make fun of them but he makes it clear that he cares for them. Cough cough That one prank cough cough.

• yn and toman saw connie in action and had to do a double look once they saw how he was gonna fr slice someone's nape so yn quickly stopped him. they were scared of him for a week.

• inui goes to his sister's grave and talks about yn to her.

• KOKO ACTUALLY PAYS YN MONTHLY. like $64 a month.

• yn got chifuyu, baji and kazutora to stan kpop girl groups and sometimes when they come over to yn's house, all they do is learn kpop dances 💀

• akkun loves going to yn's house and telling them about new hairstyles he would like to try and do.

• the whole taiju and banana peel thing happened was when yn was over at hakkai and yuzuha's house and they accidentally dropped the banana peel they had and before they knew it, taiju was on the floor groaning in Pain. he sounded like an old man, yn had out let out a small giggle.

• naoto, hina and yn be up at 2 AM playing roblox, especially the game piggy and adopt me but naoto can be a little bitch and Scam yn into giving them their pets to him.

• on friday nights, yn and their mom love to bake and watch christmas movies even if it isn't december. they just love the nostalgic feeling they get.

• yn made izana come to mikey's house and forced him to hang out with mikey and emma. if shinichiro wouldn't taken izana to meet them, yn would have to do it themself 🤦‍♀️

• shinichiro and mikasa R actually going strong.. she had enough of that white boy Eren. 🤣 (this is a crack ship Yall plzzz)

• since senju has money, she likes to buy albums for yn :)

• sanzu made an Apple (iphone) apology note and took a screenshot of it to send it to yn after he tried to slice their head off.

• the toman members love to take turn and ride yn's horse, Albert and one time mikey tried to make it jump over something but instead albert kicked him off and mikey Flew off 😭

• yn rarely shows their vulnerable side but after the whole valhalla incident, no one ever saw yn cried rlly hard before so it took everyone by surprise when they saw yn cry over baji's unconscious body.... but he woke up the next day like "i lived bitches 😍"

• kisaki isn't afraid of anyone but god does he start sweating when he sees yn around at school cause they do not joke about jumping him 😭 like Yn will jump him one day.

• takemichi brings his Mouse to toman meetings each day man 😭 he got attached to it so fast and he does get mad when people insult Stuart

• kazutora finds comfort in yn and their home. yn's mom always tells him he can sleep over anytime.

• inui plans on marrying yn one day. he already knows which ring he wants to get them :)

• chifuyu sometimes acts out the dialogue to the mangas he reads and one time there was a kissing scene in one panel.. So he got his pillow .. and made out with it.

• yn Doxxes anyone who hurts their friends.

• yn rlly likes animals so they love to bring baji and chifuyu to cat cafes, the zoo, aquarium and anything that has animals in it.



if you guys have any head cannons about yn or the rest! lmk , i would  love to read about them :)

also saw a leak on Tr and if the author fr tries to kill off another one of my Favs, i will off myself /j LIKE MF leave these characters alone Plz i beg u Sir.. DONT DO IT. leave these Boys alone.. IM ON my knees.. I got $23,000 in Cash Sir listen to me 🙏

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