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I suck in a breath as I walk towards the gate of my school. I have one class today and that is 1:00 - 3:00 under Mister Jeno. That only means I'm stuck with Mister Lee this morning, and later in the afternoon.

It's already 9:00 and my shift under Mister Lee will start at 10:00. I shift on my heels as I walk the opposite way from Mister Lee's room. I decided to stay at the libary and do my homeworks.

An hour or almost, I finished doing things. I sigh and shut my notebook to sprint off Mister Lee's class. It's just 9:58 and I'm sure I can get there in seconds. I run towards his office which is not so far from where I am.

I knock on his door while wiping the beads of sweat off my forehead.

"Come in." I heard him say and finally, I peek on his door. He frowns and raised a brow.

"You're late." He says as he put on his expensive wristwatch on his left and buttoned his polo up.

Damn. This man is hell'a sexy but rude, and gay.

"I'm not. It's still 9:59." I argue.

He looks at me as if I said something wrong. "And what did I tell you about my things?"

I close the door and avert my gaze on the floor.

"Put it inside your room before you get in."

He snaps. "Exactly. And why are my things still here?"

I huff. "I'm sorry."

I grab his things hesitantly on his table and put it on my arms. He calls me and as soon as I turn my head, he walks towards me unbelievably close. I hold my breath and blink fast at his proximity. He stares at my eyes as his lips twitch then he flicks my forehead.

"Do better." He hisses and walks in front of me.

Familiar sting evades my chest. My father always tells me this. To do better. To do best. To never be under anyone.

But he degrades me. He tells me things like I'm not enough. I'm no use in this world. I don't fit in here. I'm the worst kid everyone could ask and for the past few years that he's been telling me that - I'm starting to believe it.

I'm alone. Ever since I lost my mom, I don't have anyone to hold on to. And from this point on, I can only trust and lean on myself and it's not like I have any other choice.

I walk towards Mister Lee's table and place his things. I sprint back to the door and lock it behind me. Soon enough, Mister Lee started blabbering and it never failed to amaze me how flawless he teaches.

Even if he was a jerk and is still a jerk towards me or probably everyone... he's a good teacher. Even though he wears his cold and still face, the girls inside the school still squirm whenever he's around and especially when he's talking in front.

Feel free to drool over him, he's gay. I roll my eyes at my own thought.

I wait for him outside for about an hour. His class here is for two hours and I still have to wait for an hour more. I swing my legs over the bench.


I lift my head and saw Mister Lee peeping over the door. I nod and scoot closer to him.

"You didn't bring my water?"

"I didn't know I needed to bring it. Do you want me to grab it for you?"

"What else?" He scoffs and locked the door.

I slap the air in frustration at his rudeness. Of course I have to do it for him!

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