Twenty eight

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For the past twenty years of my life, I have never had someone I could call my bestfriend. If there is, it would probably be my mom. She's the only person I could open up to, someone I could cry on and someone whom I know would protect me from everything. I never knew that I could have Jaemin and Renjun.

"What the fuck did you do to Donghyuck?" Renjun hisses as he points an accusing finger to Mister Lee.

"Did you hurt him?" Jaemin furrows his eyebrows and hid me from his behind.

"Beat him?"

"Rape him?"

"Kidnap him?"

"Did you stole Mochi from him?"

"Mochi?" I gasp. "Oh, shit my bear?"

"Yes! The one you've been carrying at school."

"Oh shit. Did you steal it?" I accuse Mister Lee.

He frowns and crosses his arms over his chest with a click of his tongue. He stands on one feet and leans on the door.

"Perhaps, kiss him, again?" Renjun trails off.

"Again?" Mister Lee and I said simultaneously.

"What?" Jaemin hisses.

One doorbell cuts us all. There stands Mister Jeno, wearing simple clothes and I could tell he just came from home.

"Oh. You're finally here?" He said to Jaemin. The latter rolls his eyes and stands away from the door and away from Mister Jeno.

He has a huge crush on him. He uses every moment of the day to flirt with him. I'm actually astound to see him moving away from his ultimate crush and imaginary boyfriend.

"They asked me where you live so I figured out I could... uh, save you, from them."

"Save me?" Mister Lee groans. "Why?"

"They sound so mad when they were calling me. Except for Jaemin who's mad at me everyday for the past week."

"What happened?" I whisper at Jaemin. He shrugs and moves forward to the couch.

"What could their problem be?" Renjun whispers to me as well.

"And what did you meant by kissing me, again?"

Mister Lee also scoots closer to us as we walk towards Jaemin. We sit on the couch while Jaemin crouches on the floor. There's no enough space.

"Jaemin... you sit here."

"No, thanks Mister Jeno. I'm fine here." He grits.

"It's cold there. Just sit here!" Mister Jeno frowns.

"I said I'm—"

"Okay both of you, stop quarrelling!" I huff. "What happened?"

Jaemin fakes a gasp. "You kissed our Donghyuck?" He points at Mister Lee.

He fakes a cough and he is obviously blushing. He stares right into my eyes before averting his gaze on something else.

"Did you saw us kiss Renjun?" He passes the question to Renjun who was actively listening at everything.

"Yes." He sighs. "When I waited for you outside when Mister Lee called you. I wanted to make sure you're not being scolded or anything so I peep on the door. I saw him kissing you and I... contemplate. If I should report it or leave it be."

"Then?" Jaemin raises a brow.

"I did."

"You were the one who told them that?" Mister Lee says in a calm voice.

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