Chapter 9: Our Final Goodbye?

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OMG what happened to all the votes? DX I used to get 40 or more now I don't even get 10 ;n; Oh well, I'll try to update more frequently okay guys? My Quotev is inactive as of now so I'll be on here and DeviantART most. I'll no longer be using my Quotev much ;n;



Third Person P.O.V.

The next morning was terrible for (Name). It was one of the worst days of her life.

Being separated from him once again.

After all of this, after she was tortured with seeing him again with no memory of her, here the day had come when they had to go their separate ways.

Once again.

Gary noticed her strange behavior but decided not to question it; after getting to know the girl better he knew that she was incredibly grumpy when she was mad or irritated.

When (Name) entered the kitchen she was actually trying to be a bit more upbeat, but failed miserably when she saw the packed suitcases next to the door. That alone made her want to curl up in a ball and die.

Why am I so weak? she sighed and buried her face in her hands. Why can't I just get over the fact that the Gary Oak I once knew is gone and isn't coming back?

BEEP! Grumbling, (Name) reached for her PokeGear and opened up her text messages.

To: (Name)

From: May

(Name)! I need your help!

(Name)'s eyes widened in concern. Oh my Arceus. Did something happen?!

To: May

From: (Name)

May! What is it? Is something wrong?

To: (Name)

From: May

My dad doesn't approve of Drew, he's making me move back to Hoenn with my family, taking Kaila with me but leaving Drew behind!

(Name) gasped. That's horrible!

To: May

From: (Name)

Is he mad because you and Drew had sex five years ago?

(Name) slapped her forehead. Oh Arceus. Why the fuck am I so blunt? I better delete the message before-

To: (Name)

From: May

That's exactly the reason. (Name), you are one of the best people I have ever met. I know you can help me and Drew. Please. How can I get Dad to approve of the man that I love? Oh Arceus I sound so cheesy.

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