Chapter 4: If Only He Remembered...

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Warnings: Suckishness, will have many spelling/grammar mistakes because I'm typing on a tablet, so... 


Images flashed through (Name)'s head rapidly, like it was a movie trailer or something, only she and Gary were apparently the stars of the movie. 

"We should get married someday!"

"Aww man, that means I'll have to travel with a loser like you!"

"What? No, you're not ready to go out on your own!"

"You're supposed to travel with me again."

"Well, I never thought I'd see you here, (Name)."

"Hey... well, that's a nice dress you've got there... wait, scratch that, it looks absolutely hideous."

"I'm sorry, I don't like you back."

"You didn't let me finish, you foolish girl. I love you."


"Errr... ma'am? Are you okay?" Gary asked awkwardly. (Name) snapped back to reality.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied stiffly. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Oak."

"Just call me Gary," Gary repeated with a genuine smile. Wow... he's sure changed, (Name) thought. He isn't even an asshole anymore... "And you are...?"

"I'm (Name)... (Name) (Last Name)..." (Name) sighed. 

(Name) (Last Name)? Where have I heard that name? Gary wondered.

"Well? Are you her boyfriend that she left a few years ago?" Kaila demanded, unaware that they were introducing themselves; therefore indicating that they had never met.

"Sorry, I'm engaged, and I never had a girlfriend before the one I have now," Gary apologized, holding up his hand. (Name) let out an inaudible gasp when she saw the gold wedding band.

That bitch-

"Umm... Aunt (Name)... I'm sorry for dragging him here. I thought he was your boyfriend," Kaila apologized.

"It's okay, Kaila," (Name) plastered a fake smile on her face. You're magic, Kaila, this really is my boyfriend, I'm sorry I have to lie to you... I can tell he's really happy now, and I just want him to happy..."Well, kiddo, I better get you back to preschool," (Name) sighed, before Gary interrupted.

"Hey, it's okay, I can take her back, I've got time," Gary offered. (Name) refused the kind offer; her mind was spinning with too many thoughts to think about being polite.


After Gary had left and (Name) had sent Kaila back to preschool, (Name) sat in her office, working. when suddenly, her phone rang.

"Hello?" she asked, picking it up.

"(Name)!" The voice on the other end said.

"Dawn?!" (Name) exclaimed. "Where are you? Are you okay? Has anything happened to you-"

"(Name) This is not the time for questions! Please, just listen to me now!" Dawn said. "Contact Misty as soon as possible! I don't think that I've got much time... hurry! We must get Yveltal-" the line went dead. (Name) shivered. What had just happened?

She quickly dialed Misty's number, just as Dawn had pleaded her to do, and the girl soon picked up.

"(NAME)!" she practically screeched. (Name) jumped in surprise.

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