Chapter 2: Fine Without You

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Here, Gramps, I've got the reports on the Unova Pokemon from Professor Juniper here," Gary said, setting down a folder on Professor Oak's desk one late afternoon in the Kanto Region's Pallet Town. The older man looked up.

"Thank you, Gary. You may leave now," he told Gary. Gary nodded.

"Thanks, I was going to ask you if I could get off of work early today anyway," the spiky-haired brunette said, taking off his lab coat. Professor Oak tore his eyes away from the computer monitor.

"What's so special about today?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's just say, wish me luck tonight. Because soon, you're going to have those great grandchildren you've always wanted."

Before Professor Oak could say anything else, Gary was gone. Professor Oak sighed. It's really too late now...

When twenty-two year old man arrived back at his apartment, he saw his best friends, Ash Ketchum, Paul Shinji, and Drew Hayden hanging out in the living room.

The four boys had attended college together, and had grown close to one another. Gary never remembered that he hated Ash, because there was no (Name) in his life anymore, so he wasn't jealous of him. Now, the four friends shared a house.

"Why are you guys home from work so early?" Gary inquired. Ash eventually became the Gym Leader of Viridian City. Paul had become a Gym Leader as well, but of Saffron City. Drew had become a Contest judge. Contests were held in the Kanto Region every day now. And sometimes, he would hope that he would run into his sapphire-eyed girlfriend, who had disappeared years ago...

Paul flicked his onyx orbs up at the clock on the wall. "It's 7:00, stupid," Paul told him. Gary's eyes widened.

"Holy Arceus, she's going to be mad..." Gary raced up the stairs, and his three friends heard the door slam.

"What's so special about today? He's always late for his dates with her anyway," Drew said rather blankly.

"Who knows? I think it might have something to do with the ring he's been "hiding" in the bathroom," Ash said, not looking up from his paperwork.

"Don't tell me he's actually going to-" Drew started.

"Well, don't be so surprised. They've been going out for what? Five years now?" Ash shrugged. "It was only a matter of time..." The three young men exchanged dark looks.

Ash had told Drew and Paul about (Name). But they had sworn that they would never tell Gary, for the sake of his happiness. As much as they hated Ana, they wanted their best friend to be happy.

"Him and that bitch... tch, I would much rather prefer that (Name) chick that you told us about," Paul grunted.

"Any word from Dawn?" Drew asked, raising an eyebrow at the plum-haired man. Paul looked away.

"No..." Dawn was Paul's girlfriend- and coincidentally- or not- (Name) didn't know that Dawn's boyfriend was best friends with her ex. 

Just then, Gary appeared at the foot of the stairs, dressed nicely in a white dress shirt, black slacks, and a green tie around his neck.

"Why do you look so worried?" he asked Paul, looking a little concerned. Paul grunted and looked away.

"Tch. None of your business. Now if you don't want to miss your little date, I suggest you go now." Gary was a little taken aback by his friend's comment, but walked out the door without another word.

"Don't worry Paul, I'm sure Dawn's okay," Ash told his friend.

"Besides, we have worse problems to deal with right now. Gary and that woman," Drew muttered.

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