21. Past wounds pt. 2

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{A/N: I'm sorry guys! I've been busy thanks to some relatives and parties and gatherings I'm really very sorry! I'm back from the break btw thanks for waiting! Love y'all 💘}


Sana fell from the swing lifeless due to the gunshot... blood pouring like a pool around her small body.. to which we were to shocked to even react but we were fast enough to take her to the hospital at least that's what we thought. But little did we know by the time we reached the hospital, Sana has left the world. But the doctor lied to us saying she's in a critical condition, taking her into the operation theater, nurses running around making a fuss. The pregnant woman crying not knowing what's happening to her daughter... I don't know what to do console her, to be honest, I don't know what to do to console myself in that situation.

Her birthday became her last day on this earth... the doctor came out hanging his head down and said those words they'll say in movies... I never knew it would hurt this much to hear words like that in real life... "She... she's no more..." the doctor left from there. Life became miserable after her death. She's too young to die but life has never been fair. But being a journalist, I didn't let the case go easily neither did Jimin cause he's a police officer. His daughter he loved so much died in front his eyes. He forgot about his sleep and always worked on the case. His wife being pregnant became weak. I and her parents were afraid of their condition after Sana's death.

"Heerin-ah, stop it, will ya? It's all because of you! Their condition became worse!"  That's what my parents said when they heard the news.

They never liked Sana. Even after her death, they still blamed her because we all lost smiles from our lives. I respect my parents in everything but in Sana's case it never been the same. In the interrogation of Sana's death case, the police who took up the case and the higher officers said that she fell from the swing hit a rock, hurt herself bad and so she died and closed the case. Though they closed the case that way we knew better. We worked on the case ourselves finding the actual person who's the reason of her death. But turns out it was...

Sana's biological father... Seong-cho killed her with his own hands.

I thought of leaving the case right after knowing it cause I don't want Jimin and Syubie to suffer more. I thought they had suffered enough... because while working on the case the words of my parents kept on repeating in my mind and so I left the case the way it is. But one day, Jimin called me to meet up. And the things he told me after meeting up scared to the core cause he found out that it was Seong-cho..

"Heerin, it was Seong-cho..." He cried.

"What? What are you saying, Jimin?" I acted like I knew nothing when I knew what he actually want to say.

"The one that killed Sana... is Seong-cho, Heerin" My eyes widened but I became blank at the fact that I don't know how to stop him now he knew the truth.

"B-but he don't know... he don't know about Sana right? Then why he will kill her?"

"We will go ask the same thing to him face to face!" I knew Jimin will be aggressive over death of his daughter.

That night I've tried to stop him reminding him of Syubie waiting for him at home. But it's been a day since that day he disappeared. Syubie never know what happened to him. Even if I know I can't tell her things like this at least not at a time like this. We went to the police station and filed a complaint about Jimin missing. But I know he went to Seong-cho's dungeon. I tried my best to keep it to myself but Syubie that day pulled me my collar to say the truth... I hesitated but I guess It's wrong I hid it from her... so I told her the truth.

We both gone to his dungeon that night. Syubie for her husband tagged along with me. I knew I am guilty I am putting her in a pure danger but Syubie is not a type of person who would stop cause you told her to. But once we were inside hiding from Seong-cho's people we heard him talking. He laughed out like he achieved something.

"Hahahaha... the little cop thought he can actually file a case on me and get me arrested..."

"Yeah... he's crazy.." said a man that sat with him.

Cop? Are they talking about Jimin? I looked at Syubie who's already looking at me expectantly.

"But see what happened to him now he died in my own hands..."

My eyes widened and heart dropped for a moment..

Before I could get back to reality I saw Syubie crying and she started to walk towards them out of restlessness because of her husband's death news. A guy in black pushed her away. Seong-cho ordered to catch us. But before they could do anything I helped Syubie up and we started to run from them. Syubie tried hard but she couldn't run because she's pregnant.

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