~Chapter Thirteen~

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Still, Zendaya's POV

Arriving at the hiking trails, I turned off the engine to the car and immediately sighed seeing a few people on the trails. I grabbed my mask from the cup holder and then reached for my backpack out of the backseat. Then, I get in my bag for my phone and AirPods. I immediately go to my playlist and clicking the shuffle icon, hearing the soft music in my ears.

A few hours later, I have found a little rock that overlooks the city of lights. This was a spot I know you could leave all your stress behind or just think about the random thoughts that pop up in your mind at 3 in the morning. I might make this rock my secret to getting away from the outside world. Who knows?

As I sat here thinking about all of mine and world problems. The first topic is Coronavirus or Covid-19 has made the world suffer. Whether or not it'd be in trillion in debts or thousands of deaths. Secondly, I'm getting ready to be twenty-four years old in 4 days, and again I'm single. And the last thing that's been on my mind, you probably guessed it, Y/n. As it nears September and October, my nerves are on hyperdrive as I have to meet with the man that has been on my mind as of late.

Checking the time, it was getting pretty late as I made my way back to the car and didn't feel like cooking at home. Arriving at my car, I put my bag in the back, turned back around in my seat, and cutting on the vehicle. Before pulling out of the parking space, I plugged in my phone to the aux cord and letting my music playlist fill the small honda civic. "Let's start the journey home," I said to myself as I back out of the Hollywood Trail's parking lot.

45 minutes later, I'm sitting in the long drive-thru line of Chipotle. "Why is Chipotle so busy at night?" I muttered as I wait for my turn to order my food.

Y/n's POV

"Your total will be 25.73. Thank you and have a nice night, sir," I heard the Chipotle worker says as I continue through the long-ass line.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, I watched my son play with his toy cars, and the smile on his face made my smile wider. As I near the window to pay for our food, the worker who was no younger than me noticed who I was, and I gave her a genuine smile. "OMG! Y-your Y-Y-Young T-Tez is this a dream or real!" The light-skinned girl excitedly said as I handed her a 100 dollar bill and she looked at it confused about the amount of money I gave her.

"Um...your total was 25.73, and you gave me a 100. Why?" She asked, I shrugged and told her to keep the change. "Thank you, this means a lot to me," She says to me as tears fall free from her eyes.

"No problem," I said as I move up to the next window to pick up our food.

I was now leaving the busy Chipotle lot with our food and heading home to enjoy the rest of the night. I stopped at a red light and turned to look at Teo who was sound asleep, clutching the hell out of his toy cars. The sounds of horns made me turn around and see the light was green, so I pressed the gas to continue our journey to the house.

Back to Zendaya's POV

The line moves a little faster since some of the cars left, and now it was my turn to order my food. I looked at the menu and agreed on Grilled Fish with a side of rice and steam vegetables. And some tea too. "Welcome to Chipotle! how may I take your order?" The voice on the speaker said, and I replied, "Yes, I would like the number 3 meal with a side of rice and steam vegetables? And some iced tea, Please," I said back to the worker.

"Okay, so you would like the grilled fish with rice, steam vegetables, and some iced tea. Is that all for you ma'am," They repeated my order for confirmation, and I replied with a 'yes' before driving to the window to pay.

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