Chapter 7

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The tell tale smell of metallic hit her nostrils as thick and warm blood seeped between the spaces of her fingers, sticking to her skin and clothes that were slowly staining crimson under the hand that was pressed up against her stomach.

It had happened so fast and sudden, she didn't have the time to process what happened.

How could he do this to her? Her own boyfriend?

If it weren't for the excruciating pain setting her body ablaze, she would have felt heart break.

Phil, why?

That was what she wanted to ask him, but all she got was another stab to the ribs, the cold blade tearing through her muscle, deep.

She threw her hands up in the air, desperately pleading for help. But none of the masked cinemagoers batted an eye at her, too absorbed in their crazed cheering.

Maureen opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. She dizzily made her way through the row of plush seats all the while her attacker stalked behind her, plunging the knife deep into her back this time.

The unforgettable ghost mask didn't stand out in the slightest; almost everyone in the audience was wearing a creepy disguise, ranging from witch masks to devil faces.

It took one more swing of the blade to make her stumble forward, right in front of the screen that showed the lifeless corpse of the female victim that just got killed inside the ongoing movie.

At last, Maureen could let out a scream as if she were a dying animal with the little life she had left, grabbing the undivided attention of the crowd, but it was too late.


In hindsight, it was clear there were better alternatives than to hide behind a person in the middle of a busy school hallway with bypassing students staring at you like you were  a madwoman.

Your small frame stood behind Tatum as you were trying to ignore the fact you knew Billy just saw you purposefully hiding behind her, standing sideways and trying to pretend you were somehow invisible.

Tatum just looked at you from over her shoulder, giving you a 'what the fuck are you doing' expression.

Obviously, the first thing you did in the morning was tell her and Dewey about the phone call. Your friend went livid that you didn't wake her up, but you couldn't bring yourself to bother them more than you already did by staying over, not wanting to feel even more of a burden.

Sure enough, Dewey informed you that Loomis's cell that he had on his person when you just got attacked, didn't trace back to your house.

Words spread fast around a high school filled with horny teenagers, so now everyone knew that he was innocent, which left you standing behind the blonde, looking down at your ripped jeans to distract yourself.

You knew you couldn't avoid him, but didn't think you would be seeing him this soon.

"Is he still standing there?"

"Sure am," you heard Billy muse. He seemed to revel in the sight you were looking like you were 0.2 seconds away from passing out on the spot.

You tried to swallow down the dry feeling in your mouth, just as the face belonging to the voice leaned down into your view.

"We gotta talk."

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now