Chapter 24

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Chaos was all that you were looking at right now.

More precisely, chaos in the form of two dark-clothed figures wrestling one another just a couple of feet away from you, the sight of which rendered you speechless and made your heart pound eratically in your ribcage.

You slowly craned your neck to the side from where you were lying on the cold and wet road, numbly staring at the ongoing brawl once more.

One of the Ghostfaces sat on top of the other, punching his fist down repeatedly. That one was unmasked.

It was Stu.

Why was Stu beating Billy up?

Nothing— not the night of your first encounter with Ghostface or the time at the theatre when you found Tatum's corpse compared to the terror you were feeling as you saw Stu going absolutely berserk.

It was a special kind of heartache to see him like this.

You always knew Stu was a little crazy, but never in a million years expected this side of him. The loud and goofy guy you'd grown to love was acting like a wild and vicious animal, and it soon became apperent as to why that was.

"You said you weren't gonna kill her, Billy! I love her!"

You could crumble in pieces, having preferred to have never heard him say those words when they felt like they dragged your heart through molten lava.

Billy was definitely out to kill you, question was, why wasn't Stu? His thoughts were just as immoral as Billy's, and Billy was the one you actually had a relationship with...

You had sex with him. In more ways than one, Billy had robbed you of all of your innocence.

The fresh memories of Stu cackling like a madman at you and Sidney flashing before your eyes made you feel more lightheaded than you already were and without taking your eyes off the fight, you slowly pulled yourself over to reach for the gun you'd held just a minute ago before you fell.

Billy didn't grunt, didn't make any sound, didn't speak. Nothing came out of him.

He just took the hits as if he were a punching bag and that's when you realized something wasn't right.

"Stop IT!" You yelled in a barely understandable voice from how scratchy it was, but didn't know exactly at what as you picked yourself up from the ground and pointed the weapon between them both with shaky aim.

This had to be another one of their acts, no matter how genuinely upset Stu showed, because he did not stop until the masked teenager underneath him laid completely motionless.

Although he still was as pale as before, Stu's voice had switched back to the one you'd gotten so familiar with, the one that didn't sound utterly insane. "(Y/N)! Just–"

He stopped himself from talking as he was thrown off by the other psychopath who flipped them back around while swinging the sharp blade wildly at his face.

You felt like you were going to boil from the inside out as you helplessly stared ahead of you, the force between them making their arms shake, and you didn't know what to do.

The emotions in your body were firing from pain, to fear, to heartbeak, to red, searing anger. "How dumb do you think I am, Stu? This is just another trick!"

"It's not, (Y/N)! I know where Meeks is–shit!"

The tip of the weapon just barely slashed at his sweaty forehead and cut open a fresh gash of blood as Billy now had the upper hand, clearly overpowering him in terms of muscle strength.

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now