Chapter 17

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When you woke the following morning, you could see the bright and vibrant rays of the sun shining through the thin curtains hung on your window.

It was such a glorious morning with a crystal clear sky, only a few fluffy clouds scattered around.

In other words, totally out of sync with your mood. You felt like you'd woken up from a really bad dream.

Horrible nightmares plagued you, all about the same two things; Ghostface and Tatum's corpse. It was the detail of how warm her blood felt that stained your mind the most.

The next 12 hours felt like one big hallucination. Everywhere you turned, last night's event was all you saw; in the newspapers, on the radio, all over the news. Anywhere you went, people were talking about the killings and the news stories didn't stop.

You were barely able to leave your house with the mass of flashing cameras and news reporters almost trampling you in your way to school, where the security had been ramped up a notch.

There was now a police officer present in every hallway and rumour has it, Principal Himbry was considering closing the campus all together, until the culprit had been caught.

Which begged the question, when was that going to be? Did they even have a suspect? No one had any idea about who was behind all of this.

The cherry on top of the cake was that you couldn't lean on Billy and Stu for support. After what Sidney told you, you blatantly started ignoring them.

It pissed Billy off beyond belief while Stu was just clueless as to why you were avoiding to them. They even came to stand beside you to get right in your face, only to get the same result.

With everything going on, you refused to think of them at the moment. You wanted to speak to Randy but couldn't find him, so you promised yourself you'd stop by at Blockbuster after your lessons of the day were over.

Currently, you could barely keep your eyes open as you rested your head heavily onto the palm of your hand, your cheek going slightly red from the impression your fingers and palm had made.

Your brain barely took in the words your mathematics teacher was relaying, your mind unable to comprehend the information she was providing.

Your absence of attention was due to lack of sleep, no surprise. It was a good thing you were seated all the way to the back, and this was the last class of the day.


The bells hanging above the door that you pushed open jingled.

Blockbuster was quite a cozy shop; not big, not small. Just like any other movie store, there were shelves upon shelves filled to the brim with VHS tapes.

Only a couple of other students were present to find the flick they wanted to hire.

Just when you spotted Randy, he disappeared into the backside of the store. So, you waited and distracted yourself by wandering along the many aisles, glancing up and down the racks filled with movie tapes while letting your pointer finger drag over the titles.

The horror geek soon re-emerged from around the corner, so you grabbed the opportunity to walk around and addressed him. "Randy, I need to talk to you."

Randy looked up from the box of goodies he was holding that he set down on the counter, his eyes shining brightly from the friendly grin he was giving you. "Hiya, (Y/N). What'dya wanna talk about?"

You jumped when you heard a loud bang coming from not far away to your right as a very familiar individual glided over to where you two were in one, fluid motion. "Yeah, what are we talking about?"

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now