Chapter 12

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To say you felt like shit was an understatement.

You felt like a horrible friend, which, truthfully speaking, you were.

You fucked your best friend's fresh ex boyfriend who made it abundantly clear that he was now your boyfriend and that you shouldn't feel bad by any means.

Also Tatum gave you a piece of her mind, not that you could blame her.

Sidney had the unfortunate pleasure to hear about it from who else but Stu, who you haven't said a word to in two days because of it. There was no avoiding him though because Billy and him were like a package deal, you couldn't have one without the other.

You should have been the one to tell Sidney, and not Stu. It was safe to say that your friendship with Sidney was all but existent now, even when she told you it'd be fine to be into him, you should have known better.

Again, you felt like shit.

And while Billy tried to take away some of the guilt by saying she broke up with him, that didn't make you feel any less bad.

Stu 'accidentally' let it slip when his keen eyes found the not so small mark Billy purposefully left on your neck, and you were positive that he got a kick out of seeing how worked up that got you.

Making out with Billy, as well as sleeping with him for that matter, had definitely sparked something in you. He was so addictive and exhilerating, and now that your senses had a taste of him, it was all they were wanting to chase after. There was this mysteriousness about him that pulled you to him like a magnet from the get-go, and it was only now that you were accepting that fact. You always told yourself you hated him when the attraction between you two was undeniably clear.

At the moment, you were sitting on Billy's lap in the middle of the grass field in the nearby park with Stu and Tatum closeby who, as per usual, were bickering about something you couldn't be damned to listen to. Every once in a while, the footballer cast a desperate glance into your direction, his baby blue eyes brimming with a wide assortiment of emotions as they silently begged you.

You stood your ground by averting your gaze, until Billy grabbed your attention from behind you while he was chewing on a piece of gum. He still had that same confident, arrogant aura around him but who wouldn't when you look like that? Such a decievingly handsome face he had, to you and everyone else.

"Are you still pissed at him?"

"Obviously." You made a point in being loud enough to make sure the other jock heard it, and if the downcast look on his face was any indication, he did. It came out harsher than you intended, though. For some reason, your heart squeezed in your chest. You really, really hated being angry at Stu.

Billy ruffled through his shaggy caramel bangs, before pinching your chin between his fingers and turning your head to look you in the eyes. "Come on, (Y/N). Stu's a moron but he didn't mean to make you mad at him. He's fucking hopeless without you."

Despite maintaining his usual stern expression, your heart felt like it was trying to beat its way up your throat with those trapping, chocolate hues of his. Your lips parted on a sigh, knowing fully well that Billy was right. Sidney would have found out sooner or later anyway.

Stu scooted himself closer to you, nudging your arm playfully as his other hand delved for something in the pocket of his trousers. Your eyes widened when he showed you a set of VP tickets to the theatre not too far away. They were really expensive and hard to get. Courtesy of his parents, no doubt. "I'll give you these if you stop hating on me..."

You scowled, setting your mouth in a hard line. "Are you bribing me?"

He nodded enthusiastically with a smile, watching your face. "You bet your ass I am."

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now