Chapter 16

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The sky was overcast, a mild grey. Thick, angry raindrops splattered against the glass of the window like the frantic tapping of many fingers.

You were pacing around the living room of your house, ranting and yelling to Sidney about your helpless frustrations. Not only was the police unable to catch the culprit, they also treated Tatum's death as if she didn't mean shit.

The only bright side of it all was that Sidney and you had made amends. She was incredibly supportive when she heard what had happened.

That was Sidney through and through, not a person to hold grudges.

"They're so lazy! I mean, ugh. How many more people need to die? I hate this town's 'police'!"

"I can tell," Sidney spoke placidly. "But you gotta remember, (Y/N). Tatum was Dewey's younger sister. He's taking this news even worse."

You nodded solemnly, finally sitting down across from her after half an hour of pacing. You stretched your arm over the back of the couch as your eyes grew wet with moisture again, biting on your tongue to keep yourself from ranting more.

She made a valid point. You couldn't imagine what Dewey must be going through right now.

"I miss her already, Sid. And I feel like I shouldn't be alive, sitting here," you said softly, looking down at one of your fluffy (F/C) socks. "I should be dead, too. And then there's Randy who stopped talking to me altogether..."

A line appeared between your brows when you slowly picked up your gaze, seeing your brown haired friend part her lips to speak, only to fall quiet and take another sip from the straw of her vanilla milkshake. "What?"

There was a pause of nothing else being said where the only thing you could hear was the background noise of the television blaring.


You blinked a couple of times, letting your arms slip from the back of the couch as you recrossed them. "No, it's obviously not nothing. What's wrong, Sid?"

Sidney shifted her syrup brown eyes away from the window nearest to the TV screen to meet yours with a stern expression. "Randy didn't tell you?"

"Tell me? Tell me what?"

The brunette was clearly bothered by your answer with her thin lips dipping down into a frown. "I don't know if I should be the one to—"

You tilted your head to the side. "Sidney, please. Whatever it is, just tell me. Rip it off like a bandaid. What did Randy say?"

Sidney glanced back at you to give you a knowing look. "The other day..." She bit her lip nervously, throwing you off guard with what she said next. "Randy told me that Billy and Stuart came up to him, threatening to beat him up if he didn't keep his distance from you."

Your heart shattered into little pieces as your jaw tensed, and you stared incredulously at her like you didn't hear her properly.

"They did what?" You asked with your face screwing up like you just bit into a lemon.

"Yep." Was all she replies with, continuing to slurp on her drink while she nodded absentmindedly.

There was no reason for her to lie to you. The rest of what she added went in one ear and out the other.

You reached over to grasp your mug of tea from the desk behind you to take a large sip in an attempt to compose yourself, tapping your fingers against the mug as you just sit there, feeling your brain was just thrown against a wall like a tennis ball.

"...This just in. In the story that's gripping the nation, we've been given the identity of the latest victim of the Woodsboro Massacre. It's in this theatre that 17 year old Tatum Riley was killed, adding another body to the senseless bloodshed. (Y/N) (L/N), who escaped the clutches of-"

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now