Stupid convos ive had...but add dr!

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I've had my fair share of strand conversations with people. And since idk what to write please take this!


{ conversation with: my best friend}

Tenko: you're like, really hot. Like I'd date you.
Keade: id date you too! I mean...would you mind?
Tenko: nope.

{ conversation with: friend}

Sonia: here!
*hands kiss monster tab*
Gundam: hm?
*mwah on fourhead *
Gundam: oh! Ooh...
*gives back*
*mwah on fourhead*
Repeat that for like a good solid 5 minutes
{ conversation with: mom}

Kokichi: this is fraud!! Wait...MOM!
Kirumi: what?
Kokichi: what is fraud again?
Kirumi: * the definition*
Kokichi: AHAH! FRAUD!

{conversation with: brother}

*playing minecraft*
*creeper explodes*
Fuyuhiko: what?
Souda: I might've peed no joke-
Fuyuhiko: you want me to grab a towel?
Souda: yes please
{ conversation with: my friend, mention of suicide and overdosage⚠️}

Nagito: kill yourself you bitch

Mikan: I've tried.

Nagito: Wait...WHAT?

Mikan: I didn't tell you?

Nagito: NO?! Wait- how?

Mikan: tried overdosing on pills.

Nagito: how many did you take?

Mikan: like id tell you-

Nagito: some friend you are!!
{ conversation with: classmates(😬🚩🤢)

Rantaro: why were you wearing a wig while buying milk this weekend?

Tsumugi: I dress up as fictional characters.
Rantaro: oh...okay, fucking weirdo-
( I hate all of them <3)
{ conversation with: my best friend}
Taka: my thigh is like really warm right it's weird-
Mondo: Wait can I feel?
Taka: sure.
*thigh touching*
Mondo: shit they are. God damn your legs are big
Taka: my thick thighs save lives *wink*
Mondo: you're so gay-
{ conversation with: sister}
Komaru: I want soup.
Neagi: what?
Komaru: I want soup. Can we have soup?
Neagi: no I don't like soup.
Komaru: that proves that you're adopted.
Komaru: Excuse, excuses...
{conversation with: friend}

Kotoko: Hey...since we can't agree on what to pick for movie night let's play Rock Paper Scissors, Yeah?
Jataro: sure!
Kotoko: why the hell do you only pick paper?
Jataro: I have no clue.
Kotoko: Okay one more time?
Jataro: I won!!
* insert happy Stimming*
{conversation with: best friend/mom}
Kirumi: oh, the two of you made pancakes?
Shuichi: Yeah...
Kokichi: we forgot half of the ingredients and it's half raw. Still good though
Fun times. Anyways this is short and I'm so sorry for that <333

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