Shall we?: despair! Sonia x despair! Gundam

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I've been wanting to write about these two in despair form ( I'm calling it that because I'm cool 😎) for a while so why not
Things you should know;
⚠️ suicide , I'm describing death and stuff I'm not sure how to explain but be aware⚠️
I'm going off by what I have heard of what they did. Anything possibly incorrect I apologize for

Screams, oh so beautiful screams.
The sound of so many hopeful people wishing all their pain was a sick dream were yelling for them to wake up. It was so beautiful,
Towa city never looked better. Bright pink everywhere and the sky dark; oh how despairing this feeling is. Having everything falling down on you, as if your world is crumbling to bits. Having to hold onto rope to keep that string of hope alive. Though that said rope snapped a long time ago

Sighing as the musician played her horrid and loud songs from all the way across the city, causing people to commit mass murder and suicide Hiyoko dancing innocently by her side, she giggled as she realized this was a song her and a very special someone had helped make.
She looked down from the high building she was currently sitting on. Watching the view from above. It was beautiful:
So many people, dead. God the smell of rotting flesh was her favourite..
So horrible
She wanted to become one of those rotting members. Either that or wanted to feel as much pain as they were
It was no fun being up here so why not jump? Take the risk of dying, make others gasp at the horrid sight of her broken neck if she landed right
standing she brushed her blood stained white gown off from any gun power that she still had on her. Earlier the princess was helping out the ultimate mechanic with a few weapons
Oh how she wished to see the lucky faces of those people who would face them.
Turning so her back was not facing her possible death, she leaned back,
Though she did not fall, a sudden grasp was around her small body
Opening her blue eyes she saw the one and only,
Gundam Tanaka.
Pouting she hit the boy playfully, his face still not moving from his almost bored expression
"Awe you're too kind. Yet annoying.." she eyed him before deciding to, in her words 'play'

Grabbing a small pocket knife she had secured from the inside of her bra ( don't ask just read) she put it close to his neck. Giggling at him as he rose a brow "oh Gundam...listen will you? Do you hear that" she pressed it against his skin lightly, not even moving away he nodded lightly. "Hehe, can we dance? To the screams for horror and of course the music, oh please will you dance with me?" She have a small slice to his skin, causing blood to trickle down his neck
He chuckled to himself before nodding. Not even bothering to try and stop the bleeding
He would love for the princess to help him bleed out
"Sucks you're not too much of a talker anymore..oh well" she threw the knife down, hearing a sudden scream from down below that sounded oddly close
"You have talented aim" he looked down to see that, yup, she had hit someone. In the eye too!
Getting into position they began to dance to the music, never missing a beat. Both quietly humming
"God isn't it amazing?" She asked, spinning with a laugh, once she had headed back the two stopped. Holding each other close, the blonde looking up slightly since he was ever so slightly taller then her. Even with heels..
"You make this despairing experience better oh dark one...the way you brought your country to insanity was truly beautiful. The way you had no remorse and watched. Your eyes filled with made me feel as if I could never beat you, which still stands" he kissed her hand with a smile
'He's a talker tonight isn't he?' She thought kissing the boy back, more specially the place she had cut. Wiping off a few lines of blood from her pink lips
"Beat you in what?"
"In how much despair can take over someone. Excuse me if this dose not come out the way I intend but; I wanted to originally cause the most despair known to mortal kind...we all did. But you,'ve beaten us all."
Blushing at his kind words she bowed politely "what can I say? My parents did enjoy executing others more hen most."
They shared a laugh before their song had ended.
"Oh Tanaka will you please help me cause more pain to this world? We can even ask Mahiru to take pictures of our doings! Souda can even help if we ask enough!It'll be amazing..." Sonia pleaded, spinning him this time.
"I would be honoured. Just...without him if all people, we can cause havoc on our own."
"I love the way you gets me so excited.."
"Shall we?"
"We shall!"
It's weird writing things like this- Also I don't mean miss nevermind gets turned on by the way he speaks. She's happy excited. Also I'm watching squid games rn and I'm in love with so many characters!!!

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