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Tya had persuaded Rhaella sit the Iron Throne to receive her errant son. Though at first the Queen Regent had been very uncomfortable about sitting on the throne of her husband, father and grandfather, she had grown more used to it in the past months. Though still as calm and softly-spoken as ever, Rhaella had a way of getting people to quieten to listen to her; not unlike Tya's own skill, albeit not borne out of fear.

Cersei sat in a smaller chair at the base of the right side of the throne, with Aegon in her lap, both dressed in red and black, though she wore a golden lion necklace. Tya stood behind her daughter, dressed all in black, unadorned with jewellery, with a face of stone. 

Young Viserys was on the other side of the throne, along with a nursemaid holding baby Daenerys. Rhaegar's three daughters were with them; dark-haired Visenya, aged three, was holding Viserys' hand, whilst the younger silver-haired princesses, Daena and Valaena, were being monitored by another maid. Tya had the girls dressed in variations of purple and silver; Dayne colours. Ser Arthur, who doted on all three, glanced at them occasionally then returned to narrowing his eyes at the door, waiting for his former friend to enter.

Tya gave stern instructions to be passed onto Jaime, to report with Lyanna Stark to the throne room immediately, rather than going to change or bathe. It was not a public audience; they were the only ones in attendance, aside from the Kingsguard. Not even the Small Council was present. Rhaegar may join them, or he may not. She did not wish to open the inevitable conflict with summoning the heir to the throne - gods help us - to his own throne room like a scolded child. Never mind that was exactly what he was. 

She did not immediately recognise Lady Lyanna when the group entered. She did not recognise that it was a woman who walked at Jaime's side at all, not until she saw the telltale bump through the roughspun tunic she wore. Tya had already been warned of that complication beforehand; it did complicate matters, but was hardly unexpected given that a son was Rhaegar's entire reason for doing all... this. 

Lyanna's hair was tucked under a peasant's cap, and she wore men's clothes; no doubt to prevent any ransom attempts. Her son wasn't as slow as he often liked to act. The girl walked between Jaime and Rhaegar - with Oswell Whent on Rhaegar's other side - though she had drifted clearly towards Tya's son. That spoke volumes... unless Jaime had told her to do that as well. Even if he had, it was most likely to their benefit.

"Mother," Rhaegar had the grace to lower his head to acknowledge Rhaella, sat far above him, the throne that would have been his seat now if it wasn't for his stupidity. 

The Queen Regent looked very sad. 

Jaime and Lyanna bowed and curtseyed to her respectively, the girl's made slightly clumsy from her swollen stomach. 

"Cersei," Rhaegar turned to his wife - Cersei's bared-teeth smile was laced with poison - and then to his goodmother. "Lady Tya," 

He did not hold her gaze very long. Good. Rhaegar had always been one of the few who was least affected by her glares and sharp words, even less so than Aerys; her glares had always riled him, at least made him grumble at her, whilst his son just stared back, impassive and above it all.

There was a heavy silence. 

"Why did you do it?" Rhaella's words spilled from her lips, sorrowful, imploring, already going off-script. Tya was glad she had made this a private audience. The Kingsguard were forbidden from speaking the secrets of the royal family, whilst the two nursemaids were both in her own pocket. "Rhaegar, they're calling you a kidnapper, a raper. Please... please tell me you didn't,"

"Lady Lyanna went with me of her own free will," The prince said, voice calm and clear. Cersei was now glaring daggers at the girl, still wearing that fixed smile. "She wished an escape from her marriage to Lord Robert,"

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