The Walk Of Shame

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EDITED: 7th Jan 2022


Despite the fact that she had given birth not too long before, Tya returned home to Casterly Rock early in the year of 266AC to attend her brother's wedding. She knew that Kevan would much rather wait to find a woman he truly cared for, and if he was a second or third son perhaps he may have done, however the fact he was heir made that impossible.

Thankfully he understood that, and had agreed to wed Lady Morya Brax, sister to Lord Andros, with little fuss. It was a good thing for him to form close relationships with the bannermen, given his father's reputation for being weak and his sister's reputation for ruthlessness; it wouldn't do to be outshone by either.

Tya didn't regret what she had done at Castamere and Tarbeck Hall. It had sent a message, both on behalf of her house and of herself. She had always deferred to Kevan's leadership in public, whilst advising him in private, to avoid the lords thinking him a puppet for his elder sister. At least with regard to matters in the Westerlands. She was still Hand of the King, the second most powerful person in the Seven Kingdoms.

Kevan would earn the respect of the bannermen through wise and strong leadership once he became lord, and was already well-regarded having led the fight against the Reynes and Tarbecks. He was no pushover in the least and wouldn't hesitate to enforce the best interests of House Lannister. He just wasn't as ruthless as Tya was. In that sense, it was best she remained in King's Landing as much as possible once their father died, lest the lords started to whisper that it was her who really ran the west, as they whispered it was her who really ran the kingdoms.

Jaime and Cersei were still infants, quite young to travel such a distance, but Tya was loathe to leave them in the Red Keep for the months it would take her and Jason to travel west and back. It was summer besides, and she wished for them to see Casterly Rock, their parents' home and theirs too. Jaime would have to foster with Kevan when he grew up a little, perhaps as a page.

It wasn't only Kevan's wedding that they made the journey for either, though that was a magnificent and regal affair in itself. Genna had got married herself only a month after their brother. It was well due; her younger sister was one-and-twenty, after all. Kevan had not pushed any of his siblings to marry yet, despite Tya's advice otherwise.

The wedding was a slightly more relaxed but joyous affair seeing as Genna got along well with her betrothed, Lord Leo Lefford. Both husband and wife were good-humoured and witty, though he was quiet to complement her loud brashness. And being Lady of the Golden Tooth was a fitting position for a daughter of House Lannister.

Much better than being the wife of the second son of the Twins. Even if Lord Tytos had been a shining example of a Lord Paramount in every other sense, Tya would never have forgiven her father for that.

Tygett and Gerion both remained unbetrothed, though that was not such a great issue for now. Tyg was only sixteen and Gerion a little boy. Both had seemed glad to see her when she arrived at the Rock, though Gerion showed it much more openly, embracing her in front of everyone; his smile had been too wide for her to push him away with a sharp reprimand, so she had stiffly returned it. Tygett seemed very happy with the verbal greeting they shared, though was pleased with her comment praising his martial prowess, which Kevan had written of.

All of her siblings seemed enchanted by the little twins.

"Oh they're a perfect mix of both of you," Genna had cooed as she held Cersei for the first time, the baby babbling up at her; already the little girl was starting to understand basic words, which Maester Pycelle told Tya was remarkable. Most babes didn't start speaking until they were nine months old at least. As for Jaime, he had been crawling at six months, though he was slower to speak, as his sister was slower to move by herself.

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