The Iron Throne

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It was Jaime who found her first. Her son entered the throne room with two dozen Lannister soldiers at his back, along with the second Stark son, Eddard, with a company of his own men. 

Tya had stepped away from Aerys' lifeless corpse shortly after his death. Awaiting the outcome of the siege, she had sat down on the steps of the throne to clean the dagger on her already ruined skirts. That had been over an hour ago, and she pleased to finally have a source of information.

All of the men were bloody from battle, their armour dented and shields notched, but every one of them wore a look of victory on their faces. Which quickly twisted into surprise as they saw the body of the king lying crumpled at her feet.

She rose to greet them, stepping carelessly over Aerys, noticing two of the men who had taken her from her chambers were shouldering their way to the front. One of them managed to speak before any of the newcomers.

"It's done, milady," One held up the grisled head of Lord Rosshart, still dripping blood onto the floor. "The pyromancer is dead,"

"Have it stuck on a pike over the gatehouse," She told him. The head of their absent friend - the one who had manhandled and threatened her when escorting her to the throne room - would likely join it if she ever got her hands on him. No doubt why he had not returned with the other two. 

"Gotten a taste for murder, Mother?" Jaime asked with a grin as the men nodded and left at her dismissal, though her son's tone belied his curiosity. 

Perhaps it was a mark of the eventful day, but instead of snapping at him for the glib remark, Tya smiled a small smile in grim satisfaction. 

"Aerys and Rosshart planted caches of wildfire all over the city," She said, for Jaime's benefit as well as everyone else's. "We had discovered the plot and started to take steps to remove the caches we knew about, but the work was incomplete and there were undoubtedly some we did not know about. Aerys managed to escape from his chambers as the gates fell when everyone was distracted and ordered a guard to bring him the pyromancer. I had them both killed to stop the entire city going up in flames,"

An outbreak of shocked murmuring followed her words, and Eddard Stark's frown deepened. 

"Pardon me, my lady, but how long ago did you kill King Aerys?" One of Jaime's knights - a Crakehall, judging from his sigil - inquired.

"An hour or so," She replied, narrowing her eyes. "What does it matter?"

"There you go Lannister," The Crakehall nudged Jaime. "You're a Kingslayer, not a Princeslayer. Has a much better ring to it,"

"You killed Rhaegar?" Tya asked him sharply. That would be almost poetic.

"I struck a mortal blow," Jaime said, grimacing slightly. "He's not dead yet, but his stomach is burst and he will be soon,"

"Where is he?"

"I believe Uncle Kevan is having him wheeled up Aegon's Hill in a wagon as we speak. He assumed you'd want to speak with the prince, if he lasts long enough,"

Kevan had assumed right. Jaime moved closer to her so they could speak more privately, as the men dispersed slightly. His armour was as bloody as her dress.

"Father's alive and mostly uninjured," He told her, and she was gladdened for it, not having wanted to ask in front of everyone. "I don't think any of the family fell, though I think Gerion was hurt quite badly when his horse fell underneath him. Robert Baratheon died storming the gate, too - his men were the first through, of course. I think it was Selmy that did it. That's why Stark looks even more morose than normal. It's likely for the best, though - turns out Lord Rickard had not actually informed Robert that Lyanna was to marry me when she returned, not him," 

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