Chapter Seven.

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        I am so happy. The last day of school was today, I didn't fail any classes, and I'm still friends with Ethan and I'm friends with Samantha now. I still think about Ethan in a sexual way, but I just keep it to myself, and sometimes Sam, haha. Anyways Sam, Ethan, and I thought since today is the first day of Summer break, we should go to the beach. I was totally up for the idea, seeing Ethan shirtless. Amazing.

        Everyone gets in my car and we drive to my house, Sam's house, and then Ethan's. When Ethan walked out his door, he was shirtless and I was staring at him until he got into the car. "Okay, " I saw nervously, "let's go to the beach!" I exclaim and we all cheer as I pull out of the driveway.

        We get to the beach and I park. Ethan and I grab the cooler, and Sam grabs her bag with all the towels in it. We find an empty spot and we set out towels down. "Who wants to go in the water with me?" Ethan asks and looks at the both of us. I look over at Sam. "I'm just gonna stay here and tan." She says as she lies down on her stomach and puts her shades on. "Okie dokie," Ethan says, "race you there!" He yells as he starts running. I immediately throw my shirt off and I run right after him. He gets into the water first and I run after him, once I catch up to him he starts splashing me with water. I cringe at how cold the water is and I jump on his back, dunking him deep into the water. He comes out of the water and he puts his arm around my neck and dunks me into the water. "Okay, you win!" I yell as I come up from under the water. I mostly said that because I felt awkward with our half naked bodies rubbing against each other. I mean I liked it but I didn't want anything unwanted to happen. 

        Ethan and I get out of the water and we walk back to Sam. "Hey Sam, the water is amazing, why don't you go in?" Ethan asks her. I just grab a one of the sandwiches we packs and I start munching on it. She looks up from her book at Ethan "Nah, it looks like there's too many people in the water anyway." She says and continues to read. Two very hot girls walk up to us. Their eyes shoot at Ethan and I. "You guys are really hot." The two girls say. I look over at Sam and I see her roll her eyes, even through her shades. Ethan starts flirting with them, and I finish my sandwich. The other one sits next to me and starts trying to flirt with me. I politely tell her to leave me alone and she just walks back to Ethan. I'm staring at them, full of jealousy. I try not to make it known but Sam obviously notices. "Zach, you look like you want to kill them." She says not too loud, her eyes glued to her book. "I kinda do," I say softly, making sure she hears me though. She sets her book down, "Zach and I will be right back." She says smiling at the girls and Ethan.

        "So I guess Ethan is straight." I say frowning. "I guess so, but it's not like he's the only got guy in the entire world." Sam says. "I guess you're right." I say. There's an awkward silence for a little bit. "Maybe we can go to a club tonight." She says trying to lighten up the mood. "We're not eighteen." I say giving her a stupid look. "I know a guy who can give us some fake IDs." She says smiling and waiting for me to answer her. I think about it. "Eh, what the hell." I say. "Maybe I'll meet a guy there." I smile thinking of the possibilities. She smiles at me, "Maybe." She simply says. 

        I drop Sam off at her house and Ethan and I go back to my house. He's going to stay with me all Summer because his parents always go on vacation Summer break. He doesn't want to be home alone so I'm being a good friend. I take my shirt and pants off in front of him while he plays video games. "Sam and I are going to a club tonight, we're gonna have some guy make us fake IDs, wanna come?" I ask him. "Nah, I'll let you and Sam have a best friends night out." He says and smiles at me. I look at my outfit, "How do I look?" I ask him. "Sexy, " He says laughing. I laugh too, hiding my pink cheeks. "Bye." I say as I walk out the house. 

        "Bye Sam, " I slur as I tumble out of her car. I am drunk off my ass if it wasn't already obvious. She rolls her eyes at me playfully and laughs, "Bye." She says. I walk in the door and I slam it loudly. I walk up to my room and I see Ethan doing the same thing. I sit down next to him and I lie down in his lap. He pays no attention to me. "Someone's drunk." He says and chuckles. "Who?" I ask him, "are you drunk again Ethan, shame on you." I say to him. He just laughs and turns his game off. I pick my head up from his lap and I look into his eyes. "You know you have very beautiful eyes." I say to him, he thanks me and blushes a little. I get closer to him and I look at his eyes, "Why have I never noticed how beautiful your eyes are, you just wanna... Wanna, uhm. Have sex with them or something." I say. He starts to laugh. "I'm going to get you some water." He says and walk out of the room. 

        He comes back with a glass of water. "Here you go," He says and hands me the glass. "You're such a good friend." I say to him. "Even though sometimes, I wish." I say then I stop because I think about what I was going to say. "What?" He asks me. I shake my head, "Nothing." He gives me a confused look and just shrugs it off. I put my head back on his lap and I look up at him as he looks down at me. "You're a very handsome guy you know that." I say, "your hair, your eyes, even your lips." I say as I touch his lips. "They're so soft." I say as my eyes start to close on me. "Well, night Ethan." I say as I snuggle my face into his crotch and wrap my arms around his hips. "Night Zach." He says as he just stares at me. 

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