Chapter Eight.

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        I wake up in Ehtna's lap. I look up at him and he's knocked out with his mouth wide open. I snicker and I snap a photo. I get up from his lap and I walk downstairs, I look through the fridge and I get irritated that there's no food in there. As I search through the fridge, I hear someone's footsteps. i look over to see Ethan rubbing his eyes like adorable little baby. "Dude, I'm starving." He says, I nod my head, "Ugh, me too." I whine. 

        We decide to drive to Burger King and get some breakfast. When we get back to the house, I set the bag of food on the table, and we sit down and we eat. "So, what do you want to do today?" I ask him. He thinks, "I kinda just wanted to chill today." He answers. "Cool, cool." I say as I finish my chicken biscuit.

        Ethan and I are playing video games when I think if I should tell him that I like him. The worst that could happen is he doesnt feel the same. I hope we could stay friends without things being awkward though. Maybe I'll wait until a really long time. 

        After he beats me in Call of Duty like, twenty times. We both decide to go downstairs and watch TV. I sit on the couch and I grab the remote to turn the television on. As I press the power button, Ethan sits next to me and rests his head in my lap. I'm uncomfortable for a second but I get used to it and I loosen up.

        As we watch TV, I think that I should tell him about my feelings. I turn the TV down and he looks at me, "Why'd you do that?" He asks. "I've been meaning to tell you something." I say. He raises his head up and gives me a concerned look. "You can tell me anything." He says and looks me straight in my eyes. "It's about-" The doorbell rings, cutting me off. Ethan shoots up, with an excited gri on his face. "I've been waiting for this person to show up cause I really want you to meet them." He says as he walks to the door, with a wide smile on his face. I get a little nervous. He comes back with a girl with a smile as wide as his. "Who's she?" I ask confused. "This is my girl friend from England, she came to visit." He says. "I've heard so much about you," She says and runs up to me and hugs. "It's very nice to meet you." I say, trying to hold back the tears. She walks back to Ethan and he puts his hand around her shoulder and kisses her cheek. I can litterally hear my heart shatter into a million pieces. "What was it you wanted to tell me," He asks and starts to look concerned again. "Oh, I forgot, silly me." I fake laugh and try to make it as real as possible. "Uhm, my head kinda hurts and I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I say to them. "See you in the morning." I say. As I walk up the stairs, tears flow down my cheeks like rivers. I close my door softly, and I cry myself to sleep. 

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