Chapter 4

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"Tristan." i said wiping away my tears.

"Hey, is everything ok? are you crying?" His voice filled with worry.

"Yeah, Just alittle bruise...that's all." i lied. it was more than just a bruise. It hurt more than a scraped knee and the feeling was worse than finding out you failed an exam. It sucked and i hated feeling it.

"You sure?" concern filled his voice.

", do you mind if you meet me at the park?" i asked waiting for his answer.

"No, not at all. See you there." he said and hung up.


Getting outside of my house was difficult. I had to use the back door, making sure my parents wouldn't hear and i had to climb over my neighbor's fence and exit by climbing over their gates. I walked to the park sitting under a tall tree. I remembered the fight my parents had and I couldn't stop the tears that were now falling down my cheeks. I heared footsteps and hurridly wipe them away. I looked up to find Tristan standing infront of me. Worry flashed in his eyes for minute and then it changed to concern. He sat down beside me, rubbing my back soothingly making me calm down alittle. I looked up at him and gave him a week smile. He took my chin with his hand and with the other hand, his thumb wiped away the few tears that were left on my cheeks. "Thank you." I told him which he returned with a smile. "Anytime." he gave me his breath taking smile and i smiled back. The only thing I don't understand is why was he doing all of this. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him looking into his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to have a different color as the sun was beginning to set. they were breath takingly beautiful to say the least. "Because I care about you." he said looking straight into my eyes. there was no hint of lie to be found on his face. He was dead serious. I smiled at him which he returned. "Thank you." was all i could say actually. "Would you like to talk about it?" he asked and i knew what he was refering to. I looked a bit hesitant for a while.

Should i tell him?


Do I trust him?


I took a deep sigh and looked into his eyes.

"I saw my mom and dad fighting." And that was it. Before i could stop them, tears were now pouring down my cheeks and for some reason, i couldn't stop it. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. He took my chin and looked into my eyes, his own boaring into mine. his thumb, wiping the tears on my face. "Don't cry. I don't like seeing you like this." he said wiping off the last tear on my face. I gave him a small nodd and he let go of my chin and smiled at me. I leaned into his chest, and this caught him by surprise, he suddenly placed his right arm over my shoulder so i was pushed closer to him. his left arm found its way to my hair, stroking it gently. I could feel his body heat radiate on me and his sweet scent of Vanila filled my nostrils. And in that moment I felt comfortable with him beside me.

"It's ok, don't worry, I'm here for you." he said, lightly stroking my hair sending tingles through my body.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked burying my head into his chest. My hand lightly fisting his shirt. I felt him nodd and he cleared his throat, signaling that he was going to start singing. His voice was beautiful and I loved to listen to it.

'When he opens his arms and hold you close tonight'

'It just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this'

'When he lays you down I might just die inside'

'It just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this'

'love you more than this'

he hummed the rest of the song and he continued to stroke my hair and I began to dose off. I can't believe it, he has an amazing voice. Why doesn't he show it though? My eyes start to droop and the song began to end and before I heard him finish I was completely asleep with my head on his chest. And laying there with him, I felt comfortable and peaceful. His touch send tingles through my body and his arms wrapped protectively around me, I felt safe being with him this close.

I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time. And I wasn't supposed to feel it. Why am I feeling it? I couldn't understand my emotions right now. They are all jumbled up in my head that I couldn't understand. Maybe he's just being nice! I thought to myself. I know he said he cared for me and he only cares for me as a friend, and soon stated it as a fact.

"Tristan is just being nice in the sweetest way possible." I thought. And yes, I do find this situation sweet, in the friendliest manner.

But for the first time, in a long time, being with him, like this, I felt that I was...


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