Chapter 3

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I shot up as my alarm clock beeped from my bedside table. I turned of the alarm and moaned into my pillow. Soon, i got up and showered, changing into a simple blue shirt with black skinny jeans paired with grey vans. I jogged out of my room and went to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar from the pantry. I quickly burst to the front door and i was now headed for shool.

Walking to school, I fixed my hair and adjusted my backpack. I noticed a girl walk out of her house with familiar brown hair and a book clutching inbetween her arms. I knew exactly who she was. "Hey!" i shouted loudly enough for her to hear. She turned around and stopped in her tracks waiting for me to catch up. "Hi." she simply said to me with a light smile playing on her lips. We soon walked side by side heading to school. "Um, I believe we haven't properly introduced ourselves." i said with a smile. "I'm Tristan. And you are?" i asked putting out my hand for her to shake. she took it with a smile. "Jane." we pulled our hands apart smiling shyly at each other. "So..." i started. "I see your still reading that book of yours..." i looked at her but to my suprise she was already looking at me. She was studying my face. she shook her head and let out a soft laugh. "This is another book, silly!" she said with a smile. i can't help it but the way she smiles send tingles through my body and the way she laughs, Oh! My! "Oh..." was the only thing that came out of my mouth until an awkward silence settled upon us. "why did you transfer to Charlsetonne?" she askes abit curious. "Oh, i guess my mom wanted me to transfer schools just before i graduated." i said. "Either that or to get closer to her fiañce." i said abit disgusted by the thought that my mom was going to marry another man. "I'm sorry for asking." she said with regert in her voice. "I didn't know." she added. "It's fine." i said giving her a reasuring smile. "I don't really mind people asking...It's just that i can't stand thinking that my mom would soon marry another man. It's just sick! i mean, aren't people supposed to stay together after they get married?" i asked. i was angry but i was trying not to show it. My anger might frighten her away. i was angry with my mom. My dad practically loved her with all his being and all she did was use him. she used him for money. that's all she was after, money. I can't stand the thought of my mom doing that to my dad. Truth is, i love my dad more than my mom. Me and my mom don't really talk to each other that much since there's really nothing to talk about. i push the thought at the back of my head. not wanting to ruin my day. I noticed that we were nearing school and i let out a sigh. "It's ok you know." a soft voice spoke beside me that made my stomach flutter. "I really think people should stay together after they get married." she said. i turned to look at her, her blue eyes boring into mine. i could just get lost in her eyes. they were so mezmorizing and beautiful. "Thanks." i gave her a small smile which she returned. "My parents are planning on having a divorce." she stated stopping in her tracks. "What?" i asked abit surprised by what she said. why was she telling me these things? "they said they couldn't take it anymore...they said coping with each other was difficult." she said looking in my eyes tears were brimming on her eyes. "Hey, shh, don't cry." i said softly taking her in for a hug. i rubbed her hair humming the tune of 'I Wish'. she fisted her hands into my shirt and i heard sobs escaping her lips. I can't bear to see her like this. i just don't want to see her cry. She's too beautiful to cry. "Hey, everything is going to be alright." i said pulling her from my shirt. she looked at me with eyes that showed innocence. "Everything will be alright. ok?" i told her looking into her eyes. i could seriously just melt right now. She was kind enough to give me a half-hearted smile which i returned. "You ready to go to school?" i asked gesturing my hand to the short walking distance left. "yeah." she said with a smile. we were nearing the school when Jane stopped in her tracks. realization filled her eyes and she turned to face me. she held out her pinkie and i gave her a questioning look. "thanks for the company this morning." she said smiling. "But before we go our seperate ways, promise me you won't tell anyone what i said to you?" she said biting her bottom lip, hope filled her eyes. "Promise." i told her interlocking my pinkie with hers. "ok. catch you later yeah?" she asked. "yeah." i answered as she headed to her friends. i walked over to Jake and we talked until the bell rang signaling us for first period. I headed to my locker and got the things i needed and jogged off to the Chemistry.

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