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Mar. 3rd, 2019

Brie's POV

When we get back home, it's around 6 pm. Luna and Rose, exhausted from the big day, collapse on the couch. I have the final dress fitting for the Captain Marvel world premiere tomorrow at 7, so I have to leave in half an hour. 

"Ok guys! Do you want some dinner?" I ask the girls.

"Yess pleaseeeee" both of them say. "Can we have pasta?" Rose asks. Luna agrees, so I start boiling water and go back to the living room. "So girls. I think I'm going to drop off Luna after dinner on my way to an appointment. Sound good? I say. They both nod, tiredly. I put on Disney channel for them and go back to making pasta. Tessa comes out of the bedroom looking worried. She comes over to me. "There's a picture" she whispers. Oh no. "Can you get them to take it down?" I ask. "Already emailed. It should be taken down soon," she says looking over at the girls. "I just want them to be safe, and have privacy. Neither of them chose this life." I say, sadly. I know this is how it works with having kids in showbiz, but I wish it wasn't. 

Once we eat dinner, I get ready to run Luna home while Tessa stays home with a sleeping Rose. We get in the car, and we start our drive to the foster home. I think I'll ask her to come to the premiere tomorrow. This would be the best place to introduce her to the world, even though she's not completely ours yet.

"So, Luna. I was wondering if you wanted to come to this event tomorrow that Tess and I have to go to. Scarlett and Rose will be there, so you'll have other people you know." I say. She looks confused. 

"What kind of event?" she asks.

I bite my lip, not knowing if I should tell her. I decide to be upfront. After all, she's not a baby.

"It's a premiere for a movie I'm in," I say, hesitantly. 

She looks amazed. "Woahhh, you're in a movie? Did you get to meet famous people??!" 

I laugh. "Yeah, honey. So, wanna come?" 

"OF COURSE I DO! THIS IS AWESOME!!!" she starts bouncing in her seat. This girl is just a constant stream of light. I smile. "Awesome! I'm excited.". She smiles back.

We drive for a while, listening to the radio. When we get to the foster home, I say goodbye. She smiles and gives me a huge hug. "I'm so happy," she says. I know, right then and there, she's going to be ours. 

Luna's POV

I get home, and everyone is in the kitchen doing homework. Ms. Amanda yells at me for being late, and I flinch. Junie and Kate look at me sadly. I go to my room and get out my homework. Once I'm back at the table, I sit next to Junie and she grabs my hand. I squeeze it, and she squeezes back two times. This has always been our thing when we feel bad, and we make each other feel better. 

When we're all done with schoolwork, we go back to our rooms. Junie and I figured out how to hack the wifi, so we can watch stuff on my phone. We watch some youtube, and then she goes back to her bed, and I settle in. 

I think about how good my life is right now. I miss Brie and Tessa when I'm not with them. I want so badly for them to be my moms, but I don't know how to ask someone that. I think about this for a little while longer, then fall asleep, excited for the premiere tomorrow.

Tessa's POV

When Brie gets back home from dropping off Luna and her dress fitting, she's smiling like a dummy. "Hey happy-face, what's up?" I ask. "Tessa, we need to adopt her. She's such a kind little girl who is in a horrible situation. It's just not fair. She fits into our life so well!" Brie says, still smiling. I nod in agreement. "I agree. She's like our missing piece. I want her to be our daughter." I smile. We giggle like little kids and kiss. 

We hear a knock on the door about 15 minutes later. I open it and Scarlett comes in and collapses on the couch. "Guyssssssss, that was so tough. I'm pooped," she says. Brie and I come over and sit next to her. We grin and tell her all about our day. "SO, we've decided to adopt her," I say, nonchalantly. Scarlett sits up. "WAIT, what?!?!?!" she exclaims. "Yeah," Brie says, both of us smiling. "Guys, that's huge!" she yells. I shush her. "Rose is sleeping in the other room," I say. She covers her mouth smiling. She hugs both of us, and she starts crying. A couple of minutes later, we're all crying. Happily, though. She breaks from the hug and takes a breath. "I know how much you guys have wanted this. You were on the verge of literally kidnapping a kid. I'm beyond happy for you. ". We all laugh because it's true. After talking for a couple more minutes, we decide that Scarlett should just stay over. We have a big day tomorrow after all. 

GUYS IM SO SORRY! I started high school, so I've been distracted. I hope you like this chapter, and I will try to make a schedule for updating. Hope ya like it!

Adopted by Brie Larson and Tessa ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now