ix. ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ

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THEY WALKED FOR what it seemed like an eternity. (Y/N)'s legs started to feel sore and her throat was dry from not drinking anything for many hours, and she wanted nothing more than to take a break. Alexei insisted that they were close, so (Y/N) saved her complains to herself.

The four of them continued their long journey in silence when they spotted a farm a few feet away. (Y/N) sighed in relief when Alexei confirmed that they had arrived, but she couldn't help but feel anxious about meeting Melina again.

Once they got closer to the farm, (Y/N) spotted a familiar woman making her way up to them with a large gun in hand, a frown written in her features.

The four of them stopped across the fence of the farm, and there she stood, all safe and sound, the woman (Y/N) once called a mother; Melina.

(Y/N), Natasha and Yelena were careful to not meet her eyes, not knowing how she would react to see them all again, especially with that gun in her arms.

Alexei didn't care that much, since he flashed Melina a smile and said, "Honey, we're home."

Melina didn't say anything, she just walked right pass them, making her way to a small house beside the farm. (Y/N) and Natasha looked at each other as Alexei followed right behind her.

"Come on, girls." Alexei said as he walked away.

Natasha, (Y/N) and Yelena followed behind as Melina lead all of them inside her home, which was made out of wood and it seemed to be taken good care of. The inside looked cozy and simple, which (Y/N) thought it looked nice.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Melina said as she walked into her kitchen. "Make yourself at home."

(Y/N) continued inspecting the house, trying to spot any type of traps or anything that could lead to cause her harm, since she felt uncertain about meeting with Melina after all those years.

Once she felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, she made her way to the dinning room, where Yelena was already taken a seat in the table. Sighing heavily, (Y/N) sat down across from her while they waited for Natasha, Melina and Alexei to join them.

Melina and Natasha came into the room a few minutes later, where Natasha sat beside her and Melina was seated on Yelena's side. The air was filled with uncomfortable silence as they heard Alexei's grunts coming from the bathroom.

"Let's drink," Melina said finally, grabbing the bottle from the table.

The atmosphere felt so tense at the moment, waiting for someone to say a word when he walked into the room, wearing his old Red Guardian suit and helmet.

𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒¹ | 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊Where stories live. Discover now