Chapter 63

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"Thanks mom", taking the Starbucks coffee she got me, I don't usually drink these sort of stuff , my mom didn't want me drinking all my alcohol and getting wasted.

She smiles and takes a sit next to me while I look at Bella, it's been a week and she's still in a coma, I've been a mess, I don't even know what to do, it's hard being hopeful just like her.

James enters the room and I could tell how broken he gets when he sees her in this bed , not being able to move or even speak, hell l can't take it, I swear I'm gonna murder someone.

"Mom I need to go", I mutter standing and my mom pushes me back to my sit.

I sigh, "No idiot you need to stay here, what would she think with you walking around you could get yourself hurt again", she scolds.

"I could hurt myself over and over again for her and I promise I'll back soon", I tell her giving her a hug and she hugs me back.

I take one more look at my angel.

Anything for you amor.

I had called James to bring my car, as soon as I was outside, he was waiting leaning on my car, "You look like shit", he tells me and I smile, "You too man", we get in the car and I drive.

James gives me look of uneasiness, "Don't worry I'll be good", he nods, "Just know if we both crash Bella will dig us out of our graves and kill us again", I let out a little laugh imagining her doing that.

"Do you think she'll wake up", I smile, "I don't think she will wake up , I know she will", thinking about our future and how l plan to make her happy for the rest of my life.

I would propose to her, then she'd plan our wedding , she'd go to school and later after she graduates we can have our little ones.

I'm not a family guy but when I saw her she changed my whole perspective of having a family and my mom can stop nagging me about having grandchildren.

"What are you thinking about so much?", James asks , "Nothing"

The day I find whoever did this to her I won't be forgiving as she is, they are going to die a slow and painful death and I'll make sure of it.

James's phone rings , "Hi, how is that possible that's crazy....yes I'm with him...yes alright thank you we'll be there in a few", he hangs up and looks at me.

"Don't just look at me, what's going on?", waiting for an answer he sighs, "It turns out our enemy is closer than we think, he's part of the family I think, Olivia found a lead on her sister, and she's heading to the location based on her findings", I nod.

"Okay there's some progress, ask her to send the location where she's heading , she can't go alone it's very risky, I'll call some of my men to follow her and l", I inform James and he nods.

If Olivia found the location, then I can't let her go alone and she gets hurt I can't risk anyone else getting hurt, Bella's father has always wanted me dead, I need a strategy now but I'll figure it out.

"Yes HURRY THE FUCK UP!", I yell at my men , these ones can be stupid sometimes but they are good at what they do.

"James we are going to need to be strong for Bella we are going on war for her and saving her mom okay?", James nods, "Right let's get that fucker", he says.

I expected this man to be so far from here, how dumb can he be, "Oh thank God you are here", Aunt Olivia hugs me, she's dressed in all black , she has all types of guns , knives with her didn't know she was this bad, "I see you are prepared", I say and she laughs, "This is really nothing son"

"First of all , we need someone to go in and be a distraction, in the meantime I will go in the back and James will sneak in while someone distracts these stupid guards it's clear they are quite dumb, then once I'm in from the back I'll call everyone make sure those phones are on and I'll give clear instructions okay no mistakes, make sure you are not caught clear?", everyone nods.

"Got it"



"Yes sir", Elena says in a high pitched voice, I know her voice even if she changes it or not, she's dressed in a professional multi billion dollar business women , with a low bun she even dyed her to black, she looks so different.

"Sister, where the hell are you from?", she smiles, "it doesn't matter well l did what I'm good at and I thought you could use a hand you know", l smile .

"I found out that her father has a business deal with some company and someone was supposed to come to him and discuss the deal but he doesn't even know who is supposed to come so here I am, don't worry about me I have everything covered", she tells me.

"Don't you think they'll know it's you", I ask.

"Not at all , trust me okay this is for Bella", she tells me and I nod.

So proud to have someone as smart as she is as my sister, "Thank you sis, I hope it's clear what everyone has to do, let's go we have no time left"

"It's all clear sir", I nod , everyone goes where they are supposed to go.

As l was heading to the back of the house , I noticed there were multiple doors, Damn now I have to guess where to get in , I just opened the middle door because why not?

It opens and I get in, thanks to my guessing skills , these people are so dumb they couldn't even lock the door, finding a place to hide since it's a bit dark, calling everyone, they all mutter hi's

"Is everyone in?", I ask .

"Yes", after many yes's , I hope E is okay and handling everything.

"Leo we need to hurry before he suspects something is happening",Olivia says through the phone, "Yes you are right"

"This house is so complicated, it's dark here we need to find somewhere we'll meet", I say and I bump into something no actually someone.

"Get the hell away from me"

"Olivia it's me, I'm sorry", I say and she places her hand on her chest and let's out a breath of relief, "we need to find the others", I say and she nods.

"You know on my way in here, I saw something strange in this house , there's another door where my sister is, she's closer than we think", she says and I nod, "I also noticed something too", I tell her and her eyes widen.

"What's wrong?", she points behind me.

I turn , "What do you think you are doing"

Hey loves, I'm back!
Exam season is over
I can't wait to continue writing for you guys:)


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