Chapter Twenty-one | Moving forward with you

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Heeseung could sense Jay before he saw him. He was stuck in a pain-filled haze when his heart stopped. As soon as it did he felt his mood subconsciously improve as a craving came. Jay was close. So close. But not close enough. He closed his eyes as he felt this pulsating headache coming on because his soulmate was so close and yet wasn't by his side.

Heeseung vaguely heard the door open and his mind filled was filled with Jay's scent. There was his signature perfume of wood sage and sea salt with his natural scent of light cinnamon and cherry. It shouldn't have been such a perfect combination of scents but it was blended to perfect perfection.

He kept his eyes closed, too scared to open them and it just is his mind playing a trick as he felt Jay come to the side of the bed and he stilled waiting for his next move. He didn't know what would happen next.

Suddenly he felt Jay place a hand on his neck rubbing one of the soulmate engravings. His eyes shot open as he let out a gasp at the contact, a shiver through him as the pain on his neck stopped and pure relief that just washed over that area. The deathly cold touch on his burning skin felt like a rush of endorphins were released to the direct spot.

Heeseung allowed his eyes to meet with Jay's and immediately he felt his lungs that been burning filled up with air, allowing him to breathe as his beating heart finally stopped aching and beating in unison with Jay's. As if someone just waved a magic wand and he was better.

It had been so long since he had made eye contact with him. He didn't allow himself when he was avoiding him. Heeseung never realised just how much he missed those eyes until now. His head was no longer pounding like before as he felt the fog in his mind clear. And one thing he noticed was the worry in Jay's eyes

"Jay....... Jongseong-ah. Hold me please" Heeseung whispered, his eyes filled with unshed tears. Because he couldn't do it. He couldn't be apart from Jay. And if they made him weak then fuck being strong. He had enough.

Jay didn't even need to be told twice and in less than a second his shoes and bag were off and the covers that were over Heeseung taken and he was in bed with Heeseung. He smoothly lifted him a little to move him so they could easily fit on the bed as he pressed his soulmate close, feeling everything disappear. Heeseung clung himself to Jay being half on top of him, as his entire body just relaxed and the pain completely stopped. Heeseung couldn't stop the whimper of relief that came out of him as he buried his face in Jay's neck, smelling Jay's scent as he wrapped his arms around his middle, legs entwined completely.

Heeseung who was in perfect health would be extremely embarrassed and horrified at the fact that he whimpered but at that moment he didn't care. Not when Jay's arms were wrapped around him. Not when he felt happy. Not when he finally felt safe. Heeseung couldn't tell you just how amazing it was to feel safe for the first time in his life. All the bad thoughts left him.

Jay pulled Heeseung to him as close as he could, his arms going around him, one hand going to stoked Heeseung hair and the other going under his shirt to touch his back as he was in need of some sort of skin contact. Heeseung couldn't help but be glad for it. He was still feeling weak and just that touch when like he was being given life. The pain going from the bruises and soulmate engravings were dulling, the pain being nothing compared to the relief he was being given and the happiness he felt to stop holding back and allowing himself to take what he wanted

"I'm here now. I've got you" Jay whispered to him, pressing a kiss on the forehead, not even caring about the sweat that had formed there. Heeseung hummer at his words, his breath coming in fast burst for a whilst, hitting Jay's neck as if he finally could breathe and was taking all the air in.

I CRAVE YOU - I DESIRE YOU || heejay / jayseungWhere stories live. Discover now