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It started with a scream. 

Class had been running smoothly, or as smooth as it gets for 3-A. Aizawa had them going through several training exercises that were typical for Thursdays. Katsuki had been counting down the minutes to when class would end. 

Aizawa had paired him up with Shitty Hair again today, like usual. They'd been battling it out for the past half hour. Every time one of them got a hit in, the other would return the attack. Theyw ere wearing each other down and Katsuki was fucking done. He wanted to go back to his dorm and read manga for the last retreating hours of the day before passing the fuck out. He had too long of a day already between running a shift at his intern with Miruko early in the morning and then going through the school day. His arms were starting to hurt. 

He'd been thinking about his bed and sleeping in it while dodging an attack from Kirishima when he heard the scream, the very Kaminari-sounding scream. 

Immediately, both him and Kirishima stopped fighting. He stared at his best friend for a moment, the others eyes reflecting the same worry as his own, before they both darted in the direction of the shout. A crowd had formed in the center of the training room and Katsuki charged for it.

When Katsuki had pushed his way through the crowd, he gawked at the sight before him. Dunce Face was laying on the ground, a black boot covered foot holding him in place. The thing that amazed him and everyone else in the room was the girl standing above him. She was tall, a few inches taller than Ponytail probably, and had hair darker than night shaved into an undercut. Piercings bit into the skin of her lip and one of her eyebrow, accentuating red eyes. The eyes were what drew everyone in, Katsuki thinks. It's certainly what drew his attention to her. 

They blazed like fire, the rage held in them so sharp and clear it could cut anyone who dared to look. Those eyes reminded him too much of his own when he looked in the mirror yet these held something different, something that gave it a slight change. Murderous. That's the word he's looking for. She looked ready to kill. 

Kaminari thrashed under her, clawing at the thigh high black boots that pressed into him. He yelled, "What the hell! Who are you? Get off!"

The girls eyes widened a fraction and all the murderous look fleeted from her eyes. She stumbled back, releasing Kaminari. Katsuki didn't hesitate in rushing forward and wrapping his arms around her. He knocked her to the ground before pinning her there by the shoulders with one hand while raising the other, crackling with explosions, as a threat. 

"Don't even think about fucking moving!" he barked at her. She stared up at him in wonderment and his scowl deepened. "Who the fuck are you and how did you get here?"

She either didn't care or didn't hear his question as tears started to well in her eyes. He was thrown off by the sudden waterworks as a relieved laugh left her lips, coming out strangled from her tears. So shocked, his hold on her eased and she used that moment to sit up and wrap her arms around his chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck. 

"I thought you- I'm sorry," she wailed. Her grip on him tightened. What is she trying to do? Confuse him enough that he lets his guard down? "Dad, I was so scared. I thought-"

That snapped him out of it. He reared back from her, eyes wide and heart pounding. What the fuck. He pushed her away, standing to his feet and taking several steps back. Did she just- no. He's hallucinating, or his shit hearing's twisting her words. 

"What did you just call me?" he asked, breathless. There's no way. She couldn't have said-


He tripped backwards over his own feet. Someone caught him, he can't even begin to think who. Dad. That's not right. This brat is tricking him. It's a mind tactic. She's fucking with him. Who is she? How did she get into Yuuei's school grounds? What is going on?

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