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Kirishima's been avoiding him.

Which is-- well, it's fine. He doesn't care. Why should he? It's not like this has never happened before and so now he's getting worked up over it and is analyzing everything he might have done wrong over the last few days. . . because that isn't what he's doing. Besides, how would he even know it's him that's the problem? Kirishima's been avoiding everyone to a degree today.

He didn't come down for dinner last night and when Katsuki kicked down his door to give him some food, because how the fuck else is he supposed to open up a hero agency with him if he doesn't get some proper protein, Kirishima simply thanked him and closed the door, his eyes never once meeting his. It was odd but Katsuki brushed it off, thinking this was just one of his bad days and he'd need some alone time for a few hours. He expected the boy to come out onto the balcony like he always does on his bad days eventually and sit and talk to Katsuki about it but come midnight he still hadn't appeared.

There had been nothing he could do at that point and decided to confront the shitty haired idiot about it in the morning. His plan of barging into his room before class started was derailed by his own fucking kid. Kazuya had dragged him to class early and made him sit with her till Aizawa walked into the room.

As angry as he was to not be able to talk with Kirishima, he couldn't find it in himself to hate spending time with Kaz. He liked the way each of her sentences were emphasized with a curse and how she gestured with her hands wildly when she spoke.

However, she seemed odd today. Don't ask him how he knows even though he's only been around her for two days. He just knows, okay? She's clingy. Fuck, and she won't stop asking him stupid questions like what his favorite manga is (curse her for knowing he likes that shit), his favorite flower, how he'd spend his last day on earth. He hadn't known how to answer the last one. He'd probably want to do hero work, maybe hangout with some of the idiots he knows. He doesn't know.

As not so shitty as it was being around Kaz, it also kept him away from Kirishima throughout the day. Every time he looked the redheads way, he had this despairing look on his face, seeming to zone out in class. Sometimes their eyes would meet from across the room only for Kirishima to quickly look away and it was frustrating as fuck. Normally Kirishima would have came to him already about a problem. Usually he's the one avoiding Kirishima, not the other way around.

Dunce Face had expressed his own concern to him at lunch. Katsuki had been sitting with Kaz (he couldn't breath without her being at his side, fuck) when Kaminari approached them. He plopped down in the seat across from him, outright ignoring his threatening glare, and asked, "What's up with our resident shark boy today? He seems distant."

Katsuki shrugged and stabbed his fork into his food. "Fuck if I know. Bastard won't talk to me."

"Really?" Kaminari's eyes widened. "You? But he always talks to you?"

"Yeah. Aren't you guys like--" Kaz waved around her chopsticks, swallowing the food in her mouth before continuing-- "inseparable or something? You both always tell stories about how you basically were glued to the hip."

Jesus. How open is he in the future? Why the fuck did he tell his kid so much?

He snarled and adverted his eyes from the group, flicking to Kirishima on the other side of the cafeteria out of habit. The redhead was simply pushing at his food with his utensils, barely seeming there. He huffed and looked back to his own food. Fucking Shitty Hair. He should be smiling.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Kaminari seemed to think out loud. He scratched at his chin, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Kaz. "Hmm. Ever since you got here he's been weird. You don't think he's got an issue with you? Maybe you look like an old buddy of his that he misses."

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