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Katsuki doesn't know what he expected when he walked into class only to find the girl from the day before sitting on Aizawa's desk, swinging her feet. She'd changed out of the fancy hero get up she'd had on earlier and now was fit with a black tee and what could be a pair of spare gym uniform pants. She had a lollipop in her mouth. A scowl worked his ways onto his lips as he had to admit she looked more kick ass than most people he knows.

Behind him, Kirishima peeked over his shoulder where he'd frozen in the entry way. The red heads eyes snapped to the girl and the corners of his lips tugged down ever so slightly. He rested a hand on Katsuki's shoulder as he whispered to him, "It's okay, Bakubro. Aizawa wouldn't let her in here if something was wrong."

Begrudgingly, he had to agree with him. "Tch. Whatever Shitty Hair."

They walked into the classrooms towards their desks. The girl seemed to notice him. Her whole face lit up and she opened her mouth as if about to say something before seeming to double think it and instead saying, "Hey! How was your sleep? Not too shit, I hope?"

Katsuki grunted and Kirishima chuckled, smiling at the girl. "It was good! Thanks for asking!"

A small smile cracked at her lips. "Yeah. Don't mention it."

They went to their seats (now respectively beside each other after Aizawa allowed a seat change at the start of their second year) and got ready for class. The girl ignored their presence outside of that small interaction so they did the same. Kirishima was as chatty as ever while he told Katsuki about his dream he had. Katsuki found comfort in their normal routine of him pretending to not hear every word Kirishima said and the red head not minding.

He thinks that's what made him fall for Kirishima at first. He respected him. He didn't adore him or idolize him like the shitty extras he used to know but instead saw him as a human and respected it. He knew Katsuki liked his space, he knew he wasn't as man of many words (unless he was cursing someone out), and he let him have that. He knew his limits and never pushed.

After that comfort and understanding formed between them, falling was the easy part. Falling for pointy teethed smiles that never seemed to disappear. For laughter and arms slung over his shoulder. For the manly heart full of passion and kindness that rested in the chest that he was held close to on late sleepless nights.

As Kirishima's words drifted from the dream to the last idiotic thing he'd attempted with Kaminari, he could help but smile and bump his fist into the boys shoulder. "Dumbass."

And then there was that look. Kirishima was staring at him with a smile, not as wide as usual but just as joyous. His gaze lingered on his eyes before he seemed to snap out of whatever that was and laughed, poking a finger into Katsuki's ribs. "Yeah but you love me."

"Whichever shit head told you that is pulling your leg," he snorted. "I don't know why you idiots are convinced I actually fucking like you all. You're all annoying."

Even as he said it, he knew everyone could see through his obvious lie. Kirishima rested his head in his palm, humming. "Mhm. The breakfast you made for us this morning says otherwise."

"Fuck you."

By now all of 3-A was in class and ready for the lesson to start. The bell rang from where it was positioned in the hallway. Surprisingly, that's when Aizawa walked into the class. Not late for the first time in a while. He stared blankly at the desk, particularly the person sitting atop it.

"Off," he ground out.

The girl sighed. "Fuck, okay. I don't have anywhere else to sit though? You wouldn't make me sit on the floor, would you?"

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