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[A/N: this shit is not edited because screw that. I just want to finish this.]

Since middle school, Katsuki has never been a very good sleeper. Most people at this school aren't good sleepers in any sense of the word, with the exception of Kaminari who somehow gained the privileged of being able to conk out at any given moment. This being said, a general rule of not waking others up has been established. Sleep is precious and deserves to be taken in full when possible. 

Which is why is it's such a surprise that he finds himself being awaken on a Saturday morning.

He groans as sleep slips away from him, the light of reality's sun rising spilling into his dorm. Blearily, he rubs at his eyes, mumbling, "I'm going to kill you." 

The awake part of his brain tells him he should be more wary of someone in his room but the still half asleep part bats away the warning. It's probably just Dunce face. Lord knows if anyone's going to trip over his something in his room causing a ruckus it's going to be him. 

"Sorry," comes the shy reply. Katsuki bolts up in his bed, eyes snapping open at the sound of a voice not at all like Kaminari's. His gaze settles on the figure across the room. They stand over a tipped waste bin, balled up paper littering the ground around them. The girl's expression is pained as she apologizes again. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

He stares at Kaz owlishly, the earlier panic residing. He hangs his head, grunting as he waves aside her apology. "Watch where you step next time, idiot." 

"Yeah, whatever," she mutters while coming to sit next to him. 

The bed sinks as she sits, dipping towards her. Much to Katsuki's surprise, she leans her head onto his shoulder, sighing. He stiffens, breath catching in his throat. Warmth spreads out from where her cheek presses into top of his shoulder. Part of him wants to flinch away; to shove her off the bed and keep her at an arms length for the rest of her stay. He nearly does. 

"Don't," she says, halting him from moving her away. Her voice isn't stern like normal. It's meek-- quiet and subdued with her eyes glancing up at him. "Just. Not now." 

He could ignore her. He could push her out of the room and not see her ever again. He doesn't, maybe because she's growing on him, maybe because he can hear his own self in the way she says those words. Slow-sounded vowels and a question phrased as a demand. He recognizes it like how he'd recognize himself in the mirror. 

Soon enough, his arm is coming to rest around her torso, allowing her to stay with her head next to his. He asks, "What's the matter with you?" 

Something is wrong, that he knows. This whole time she's withdrawn at random moments, set off on the slightest things only to bounce back. If there's anything he knows about Bakugou's, it's that their actions are never unprovoked. Some people will say he blows up without any rhyme or reason. His anger, according to others, is constant and a default. On the contrary, every explosion has a kind of ignition, it's just usually invisible. 

There's something invisible hanging over Kaz. 

She shrugs, the motion felt against his own arms. She presses her head more into his shoulder, cheeks squishing as she mumbles a loosely pronounced, "Life. Lack thereof. Both." 

"That's broad," he notes. 

"Yeah, no shit." She scoffs and draws her knees to her chest, tilting more into him. She chews her lip. There a split of silence, and then, "I'm going to miss this." 

She says it like one would say it rained on the day they made outdoor plans. Softly with disappointment and hints of reluctance mixed together. Like they wished they'd checked the whether beforehand. 

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