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"Here this is for you " jake said .

Sunghoon looks at it , it was the same bag that he bought it , "for what?" Sunghoon said . When sunghoon was looking at the sweeter, jake saw that he loved it so he bought it for him when he said that jake needed to use the bathroom. "I just wanted to buy it for you...I think it will look good on you " jake said , looking at sunghoons eyes .

Sunghoom took the bag and looks inside , he smiled secretly, it was the sweater that he loved it, his heart was melting, jake was so nice to him . "Thank you" sunghoon said with a smile , jake loved seeing sunghoon smile, he loves sunghoons smile , it was so pretty and his sharp teeths were so beautiful. Sunghoon gave him one last look and opened the door , stepping outside his own house, hoping that his mom wont see him .

"Byebye...see you soon" jake said from the window and drove of waving at him , Sunghoon waved at him , Jake's car was nowhere to be seen now and sunghoon looked at his house. Wondering what his mom was doing, it was near dinner time , as he was thinking, holding the bag and the food that jake gave to him with his hands ,he saw one car coming and stoped near his house . He got curious to see who it was and hids there , behind one tree.

From the car, one man came out , he even had flowers in his hands , walking going to his house, this made sunghoon more curious. 'Who is this man?' Sunghoon thought and kept on looking. When the boy knocked on the door , hiding the flowers behind him , his mom opened the door with a smile on her face and she had a pretty dress on , sunghoon have never seen this dress in his life .

To sunghoons surprise, they kissed . They kissed and sunghoon couldn't believe it, he was so mad at his mom , that's why his dad left them because she would cheat on her husband and now....another man ..sunghoon wonders with how many his mom have been , it hurts to see your own mom like this but he cant stop this , he looked down and walked away. He didn't need to stay here more , there's nothing to watch, he knows now.
He walks , going back to where he stays , the only safe place that he can get , he wished he was in his house, but knowing now that his mom brings man's in her house he lost interest in wanting to go back home . What kind of mom was she .

He sat down on the cardboard, thinking of what happened today .


Jake was driving and jay called him in the middle on the road , he answered the phone call , putting him on speaker "yeah.." jake said . "Yoo Jake...come at my shop...I need to talk to you remember " jay said from the other line of the phone, "ahh...its dinner time..I need to eat " jake said , eyes on the road ."ehh..please ..I'll give you free food...I cant wait anymore " jay said , jake agreed "okay okay fine " jake said and hungs up, cutting Jay's good bye off .

He switched the roads , going back to the bakery . He knows that jay will probably ask him for sunghoon . He always wants to know about Jake's life .
It didn't took much time for him to arrive , stepping out from the car and entered the shop , it says closed .
"I'm here now" jake said , jay and his boyfriend jungwon were sitting on a table . "Hehe...come here " jay said with an evil giggle and jake only shakes his head and goes to him, sitting down on a chair . "Yes?" Jake said .

"Okay already know what talk we'll have "jay said and Jake nods . Jungwon got up to give them something to drink . "Okay so.....his name is sungmin right ?" Jay said , looking at jake . "Sunghoon " jake corrects him ."yeah yeah sunghoon be honest I see something strange to him " jay said , "like what?" Jake asked . This was getting serious now.

"Like...he acts like he haven't ate a cake you think he is homeless?" Jay asked jake , this was new to jake . Sunghoon homeless, but he have told him where he lives . "I dont think so...I just dropped him to his house " jake said and jay nods "but still....I dont know tho but why do you help him dont even know him for that long "jay said . Jungwon came there , placed the drinks on the table and sat down next to jay , holding his hand and starts to listen to them .

"What makes you think that I don't know him for that long and....I'm just being a good boy that's it" jake said, taking a sip of his drink . "You know something that I don't know, come on spill the tea " jay pleaded. "No" jake answered it shortly.

"Fine and for your informations you never act good with other people only with him "jay said , getting mad at jake for not telling him more about sunghoon ."next time time please " Jake said and Jay nods .

Yeah ...that's true... Jake knows something that sunghoon doesn't know.


As sunghoon was sitting down, taking the bag and took the sweater out , looking at it, it was so pretty. He wanted to wear it but he didn't want to make it dirty, he haven't showered since when his mom kicked him out , it have been one week since that happened.

Come to thinking of jake , sunghoon have never met a person like jake , he makes sunghoon happy but also sad and he makes sunghoon to miss jake a lot , he wants to be with jake everytime , every day and every night . Its like jake is something with needs to sunghoon .
Resting his head on the wall , holding his stomach, jake have done a lot of good things to sunghoon . Why is sunghoon always thinking of jake and why did he felt jealous when jay hugged him or when girls would look at Jake , he just didn't want to lose Jake.

"I think I'm in love " .


Thank you.

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