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Wilbur POV

It starts the same, in every story, every battle, every game. It all starts exactly the same. It starts on what people would deem a normal day, that is, until it isn't. This story is no exception, but let's start at the beginning. Every 100 years the Gods host a tournament of sorts...a competition to the death. Now when you die in the game you don't really die, you just get sent out of the game to be a servant to the God whom you were chosen by for all eternity. At the end the champion gets one wish, just one, but they can wish for anything they want. The catch however with all of this is the God who chooses you bestows both a blessing and a curse upon you, and one item based on their powers. So now I've said all you require, let the games begin.


William POV
I was walking down the street back from my job. I ended up working late tonight, so it was dark and what some people would describe as creepy, but I found comfort in the soft starlight. As I walked past an alleyway close to my apartment, I saw a figure moving in the shadows. I was intrigued, and like the smart person I am, I decided to walk into the ally to see what it was.

"I've been expecting you, William." A voice called out to me, sounding much like my own.

"And who might you be, may I ask?" I cocked my head to the shadows.

"You're special, you know that? Most people would have ran," the voice laughed. "But you, you're different. I like different, it means you're unpredictable. This is why you will be my champion, if you so please."

"Why thank you mystical voice," I said, sarcastically, and still not knowing what to call it. "But who the f*ck are you and why would I be your 'champion'?

"Oh, pardon me for not introducing myself," the voice apologized. "I've gone by many names upon your mortal tounges, alivebur, ghostbur, and revivedbur. It depends on who you ask and how I appear to them."

"So you're a God? I find that hard to believe." I stated.

"But yet you're here anyways," he laughed once again. "Anyways, you asked why you would be my champion? Well I suppose it's up to you why, but all I know is that the champion gets one wish. I'm sure you've heard of how the game works though."

"Refresh me." I said, dryly.

"10 Gods to choose one champion each. Upon their chosen champion they must bestow a blessing that comes with a curse, as well as one mystical object of their choosing. Each champion must also change their names to prevent from anyone knowing each other from outside the game." He informed me.

"And if I say no?" I asked.

"William, may I remind you that I am God of the mind. I know you're not planning to." He laughed.

"And didn't you say I was unpredictable?" I shot back.

"Fair point," he agreed. "If you were to say no then you would be killed. For a mortal to speak to a God who is not participating in the game cannot go back to their mortal world as they were. Therefor you must die, before you cause harm to others."

"What would this blessing and curse entail?" I asked.

"As previously stated, I am the God of the mind," he reiterated. "Therefore your blessing would come from the mind, or more specifically manipulating it. You can make people think they see things that they don't, make them trust you, make them not, but everything has to come from something already in their mind. Some will be harder to manipulate than others. Your curse however...every time you use your new found skill, the more you become like it. Say you use it to make someone trust you, the less you trust others. You use it to keep someone calm, the more insane you go. For your power can be seen as the most powerful in a sense, but it also takes whatever you give. As well as this, you will become fixated on fewer things as time goes on."

"And the item I will receive?" I asked.

"The item took some planning," he informed me. "You won't know what to use it for at first but you will when the time comes. Here I have a crystal, when activated it cancels everyone's powers within a 15 foot radius, including yours. But say you have used your power on someone previously, that stays because you've already payed its price. The crystal just prevents you from using them then. It however takes up to 24 hours to recharge."

"Why would I want to cancel my powers?" I questioned. That's a stupid move.

"Think outside the box, William," he spoke. "Answers will come when they are needed."

"Okay, Shakespeare." I mocked.

"Anyways there will be a button on there to change it to an sword. This sword will not be anything special, but you can use it as your gift so no one knows your true intentions." He stated.

"Why couldn't I just be honest with them? Why would I even have to use my powers?" I asked.

"Because, dear champion, the games not meant for friends. If you make friends, if you grow attachments, the easier it is to be betrayed." He said, solemnly.

"You sound like you have experience." I laughed.

"I do," he said, sharply. "I was once a champion too, and I used my wish to become a God. I almost lost because I trusted so I am warning you of my mistakes."

"Then I think I'm ready to play," I smirked. "But there's one last thing."

"And what might that be?" He questioned.

"I need a name," I stated. "Any ideas?"

"They are meant to be based off of mine and based off of yours." He shrugged.

"That's helpful." I said, dryly. "But I think I have one."

"So then are you ready dear champion?" He asked.

"Yes," I smirked. "I'm ready to become Wilbur Soot."

Word count: 1031
New book Pog? Dreambur again because it's me. Please vote and comment if you want it to be updated soon! See y'all next time!

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