We could be traitors.

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Wilbur POV

"So what's the plan, Wil?" Dream asked as he met me at our usual spot in the woods. He jumped down from the tree he was in, and walked closer to me. I put down tubbo and rested him against the tree trunk here in lmanburg.

It had been Tommy, Tubbo, and I's favorite place to go. They thought I just found it out in the woods but it was really just an easier way to meet Dream.

"Well my dearest, we have to break up both groups," I smirked, straight to the point. I would have time for pleasure later. "They need to hate each other, group against group, but people against people."

"And how do you suggest we do that?" The masked man deadpanned.

"I find death always does the trick, my love." I tried to laugh but a bitter chuckle escaped my lips instead.

"No," he shook his head. "No. We are not killing someone."

"We have to, Dreamy." I said, grabbing his hand in mine.

"No we don't." He tore it away from me, turning away.

"They're going to die eventually." I responded.

"Wilbur, I'm not killing anyone." He insisted.

"Then I will." I offered back.

"Wilbur, no." He glared.

"Dreamy, someone has to betray at some point." I pointed out.

"I'm leaving, figure this out by yourself." He started to walk away.

"Dream wait!" I shouted after him. Pausing, waiting for him to come back. "Clay!"

"Don't call me that," he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear. "It's not who I am here."

"But it's who you could be," I smiled sadly. "It's who we could be, otherwise we'll be dead. Do you understand that? Dead."

"Fine, what do we do?" He finally agreed, stepping towards me once more.

"We need us all against each other," I planned. "With any luck I can split up my group so that we're just three and three, do you think you can do yours?"

"Not at all," he muttered bitterly. "They trust each other too much."

"Then make them not." I smiled.

Time skip brought to you by the earbuds I just found.

I sat still, up in the tree covered by the branches slightly. I had yet to be noticed by the muffinteers as they practiced aim. Bad was helping Sapnap aim at the tree opposite of me, Dream was sharpening his knife and standing guard while George was collecting the ones after they had been thrown. So this is what Dream does in his free time.

I motioned to Dream to start a conversation with Bad and Sapnap to distract them while I got down from my vantage point. Watching the three from the corner of my eye, I slowly made my way over to George.

I had hours before I had to be back, so I had time to prepare and make sure it worked.

I had no way to explain how I was doing what I was, it just felt right. It felt natural.

I was causing George pain. Not sharp pain and not physical, in his heart, making his chest pound and pound, aching for relief. When it seemed as though he was getting better, I only made it worse.

I had to do that several times before he finally snapped. It had taken far more than I wanted but finally with a little push he stepped in front of the tree as Sapnap let go of it.

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