We could be Liars

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Wilbur POV

"You were right, Sapnap," George said. "He's gullible."

"He's not gullible," Sapnap replied. He was clearly trying to defend whoever they were talking about. He seemed oddly protective of him. "He's just—he's trusting."

"Who would trust people so easily here?" Bad said. "We have been put in a hunger games like thing. The only reason we trust each other is because we're teaming up to take down our biggest enemy."

"He's not—He's not our enemy," Sapnap snarled. "He's our friend, we just need to take him down first. Someone has to die and he just so happens to be our biggest threat. Not our enemy."

Someone was clearly touchy on the subject. I had no clue why, but I had put together enough pieces to realize who they were talking about. The other part of the supposed muffinteers.


"Hey guys," Dream said, walking back after the moment of silence they had all shared. They began talking again, Dream oblivious to their previous conversation.

I carefully shimmed down my tree, and grabbing my notebook from my backpack, I scribbled something down.

Meet me tonight, the river north of your camp, Midnight. And come alone.


I had left it in Dreams sleeping bag, and started my way back up the tree to my vantage point.

Then a branch broke.

"Guys, did you hear that?" I heard Sapnap ask.

"Yeah, I think so." The fellow Brit answered.


Stupid branches. I was hanging on by only one of them, holding my breath so they couldn't hear me. It was quiet. Dead quiet.

"Look! Up there in the tree." Dream yelled.

Double shit.

They found me and I was just hanging in the air. It took to much concentration to not die right now, so I couldn't properly get into there heads. At least not from up here.

I didn't know what to do. The branch was starting to break, and I was panicking. I didn't trust myself enough to manipulate them all at once. And that's when it hit me.

I don't have to manipulate them all.

Maybe two or three I could handle, but not all four. Not when they were new minds all at once. They were grabbing they're gear, and by gear I mean weapons, and started racing over towards me. They were still a few yards away so I jumped down.

They were fast. I was not. But they were also not shielding there thoughts, I could read them all by looking at them without my powers. Well all except Dream due to the mask. I didn't have time to think it through, I had never mentally attacked anyone before, but I gave it a shot.

I went after the brunette. George I believe. His hands flew to his head in pain. He groaned in agony and Dream went to help him. Sapnap and Bad were on my tail though.

I went after Sapnap next. He was closest, and I gave him the same thing I gave to George. Bad started to sprint towards him and not me. It had worked.

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