We could be champions

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Wilbur POV

I was standing in a room, with the God behind me, and a circular glass tube in the center. He had led me here, without telling me anything that was going to happen, but I had faith, he was a God after all. Not just any God, but the God of the mind, he knew my intentions were aligned with his so I trusted him to tell me what it is he knows.

"Well dear champion, I think it's almost time for the games to begin. Step in, when you are ready, and once the others are the games will commence," he started. "You will all be there together, most will run, some may decide to make alliances, I'm suspecting none to kill. These games are new, none of you want to be a murderer yet and that be your first impression."

"And what do you suggest me to do?" I questioned.

"Run," he stated, "There will be none other minds around you, listening to your own is hard enough, you will be overwhelmed seeing as you've never used your powers before, so you should run. Play it safe, make alliances but don't grow attachments. And above all else, gain their trust, at any costs. Just remember, what you take from others you take from yourself, just not to the same magnitude, and same with what you give."

"Will I be able to communicate with you?"

"No, my dear Wilbur, you may not," He answered, sternly, before smiling encouragingly. "Now go, I don't know how long you will be in there, and I know you won't be the same person when you return, but don't lose sight of who you once were when searching for who you could be."

With that I stepped into the glass tube, and saw as the door automatically shut behind me, and I was lowered down. I looked around to see 8 others around me, two seemingly teenagers, 5 around my age, and one that looked much more like a father. The last tube was lowered down with a blonde haired, blue eyed,teenage boys, with a stupidly confident grin on his face, but his eyes looked terrified.

The games will commence in 3...2...1!

The tubes vanished, and I heard chaos. Thoughts, emotions, plans, hopes, fears, dreams, trust, everything came flooding in. The only problem was they weren't mine. I looked around and grabbed a nearby backpack and a crossbow and ran. I ran faster than I've ever ran in my life, and when I was to tired to keep going, I ran some more. Anywhere to get away from the thoughts, I wasn't quite used to it.

After what felt like a lifetime, I realized that the voices had died out. When I stopped and listened I was met with the pounding of my own heart, my panting breaths, and birds chirping in the distance. I crouched down and checked my backpack. I had some food, some arrows, and four bottles. I could put water or potions in there. I also had a compass, flint and steel, and for the first time I realized that in my pocket I had a crystal.

This must be my special gift

I looked at it, fiddling with it in my hands, and finally saw a button like thing on it. After pressing it it turned into a sword. I jumped back in shock, before pressing the button again and putting it back in my pocket for later use.

I started on my way again. I was walking, and walking, and when I wasn't walking I was sleeping hidden away in the trees, or gathering/smelting food. Then I would continue on my way.

This went on for the next few days, the same pattern, the same routine. Day. After. Day. Until something different happened.

I felt something, someone, a force. It was like what I heard when the games first started, but much more calm, less chaotic. I felt drawn to it. I couldn't  explain it, but I followed it, I heard it grow louder, I felt it grow louder.

I stopped when I saw a teenage looking boy, with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, checking some necklace. It seemed to be a compass, and the boy was looking at it frantically.

I got out my compass and realized his was wrong, or mine was. While mine pointed north in one way, his pointed in another. Weird.

"Hey. Hey kid," I said, stepping out behind the shrubbery hiding me. I could tell I startled him, and he held his bow out ready aiming towards me.  "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. Now put the bow down  before you hurt someone."

"You don't tell me what to do b*tch. Im tommy f*cking innet," he yelled back. Bow still raised in an uneasy position, I could tell he had never used it before. I may not know much about bows, but I could tell he knew even less. "Now this is a mugging. Hand over the backpack and tell me where Tubbo is."

"Yeah, no," I stated. "You know that's not gonna happen, the backpack is mine, and I don't know where your tubbo-tuba is. I can help you look if you would like."

"Don't play dumb, you know where he is," He stated. "Now give me your backpack, and tell me. Where. Tubbo. Is."

I could hear the rhythm, the melody, the symphony coming from within him. It was chaos, but a beautiful kind. It sounded exactly like a child wrote it, but a somewhat mature one, ish. The one problem was, it wasn't trusting, it's like it was rushed and confused. I may have tweaked it slightly so that it was more trusting. And by that I mean completely trusting, like it could be played in his sleep, and I directed it all at me, so that I could help him find his tuba.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I said, walking slowly closer. "My name is Wilbur Soot, I'm just trying to survive, like you. Trust me."

"I—I...Okay," he agreed, reluctantly. "I don't know why but I guess I do."

"Now, why do you need this tuba?" I asked, before he burst out laughing. Like rolling on the forest floor laughing. I think I even saw tears in his eyes.

"Not-not a tuba," he finally managed to wheeze out. "Tubbo, he's my best friend. I got lost in the forest and when I found my way back to the base he was gone. This compass it-it points to him."

"Hey, breathe," I said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find tubbo. Come on let's go, staying here won't find him. He's not coming to us."

I got up from the ground, and extended my hand towards him. He took it, wiping a tear from his eyes.

"Let's f*cking go." He laughed.

"This may be the best team up of the game. Do you know why? We could be champions."

Word count: 1180
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