We Could be Fighters

36 3 2

Wilbur POV

"Tommy?" I heard Tubbo ask, as I faked being asleep.

"Yeah tubbo?" Tommy questioned.

"What are we gonna do?" He replied.

"I have absolutely no clue." The gremlin attempted to laugh.

"But we stay together?" Tubbo whispered, his voice breaking.

"For as long as this compass points to you." Tommy almost smiled. I waited a long time until I could hear their gentle snores, and then I got up.

"Techno? Phil?" I spoke quietly, walking out to the remains of a campfire, and those two sitting beside it, talking quietly.

"Wil?" The blond asked me. "Shouldn't you be asleep? It's our time for patrol."

"Phil—I fucked up." I said, stumbling into his arms, the realization of what I had done truly sinking in for the first time.

"What did you do?" The pink headed pig asked.

"Tech I—we all thought, none of us wanted to, I just—" I started, as Phil wrapped his wings around me, gently rubbing my back. He was one hell of a father.

"Breathe, what happened?" He said calmly.

"I was walking, clearing my head," I started, after taking many deep breaths. "I was out for patrol when I saw them, and I just, I don't know what came over me, and, he—he's—oh Phil I fucked up so bad."

"Relax, who'd you see?" He calmed me once more. "What happened to him?"

"I saw the muffinteers," I continued "George, he, um, I killed him. It was an accident, I didn't know what happened, and I—what do we do?"

"Do they know where we are?" Techno asked. "Were you followed?"

"No, at least I don't think so," I answered. "I'm worried, we're a big group, they're going to be angry."

"Then we Split up." I could hear their inner melodies, and yet they weren't afraid, only worried. They were worried for me, and I almost left them. I felt...guilty."

"That's not it," I admitted once more. "I asked Tommy and tubbo to come with me, I did it last night when they were up. I was going to tell you I swear—"

"I believe you." Phil said. "We just need to get up and moving."

"So we need to split up in groups of three." Techno continued, as we went to go wake the teens. Once they had all been informed of what happened, we had to choose who we wanted to go with.

"I'll go with Wil." Tommy said, and we hugged. He looked back to Tubbo, almost surprised to see him not following.

"Tubbo?" He asked, trying to mask the hurt in his voice.

"I—I'll go with Ranboo." Tubbo stuttered out, looking ashamed. We all stood there, shocked at the two of them willingly splitting up.

Tommy took a step towards him, and I was worried he'd chose him over me. "T—tubbo?"

"I can't trust Wilbur right now." I heard tubbo whisper, as the two of them hugged.

"I'll go with Tommy and Wil then." Techno Said, joining me as Tommy did the same.

"Good luck, we will meet up soon. I promise." Phil nodded, bittersweetly.

"Don't die yet, old man." Techno tried to laugh.

"Then let's pack up." I finished.

As we were rationing out the food, and getting ready to say our final goodbyes, I heard footsteps and sensed framiliar prescenses around me. We were too late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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