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"Okay...homework...a bucket list.. your goal...do all of the things on your bucket list.. high school," JJ slipped in and out of sleep and Mr. Sunn explained about the new project. When the bell rang, JJ stumbled out of class to meet the rest of the Pogues. They sat on the tables to talk.

"Do any of you guys know what the project in Sunn's class was?" JJ asked.

Pope rolled his eyes, "Did you fall asleep again?"

"Maybe" JJ shrugged.

"God JJ," John B said.

"We have to write a bucket list that we have to finish at the end of high school," Pope said, shaking his head.

"Ugh that's boringgggg"

"JJ this is actually a semi-interesting assignment, let's take advantage of that okay? Kiara said. JJ rolled his eyes.

"Homework" JJ shivered "Belgh"

"I got to agree with Kie on this one," John B said, slinging his arm over her shoulder.

"Why we all gotta be against JJ?" JJ said looking hurt "JJ didn't do anything."

Pope picked up his backpack. "When you start talking in the third person, that's when I leave"

"Ima head out too, gotta start on the project," Kiara said glaring at JJ.

"Look I'll start it right now," JJ said, his hands in the air. He grabbed a notebook and pencil out of his backpack and titled the page Bucket List.

"Okay, bye JJ," Kiara said walking off with John B and Pope.

Jj stared at the paper deciding what to write. After thinking for a minute, he wrote down the first thing that came to his mind. Something he had thought about for a long long time. Although it wasn't something he would probably get done by the end of high school, he wrote it down anyway. As he wrote it down, he realized he really didn't have any other ideas to put on the bucket list. He stuffed the notebook back in his backpack and got off the table. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Kiara. When she responded, he headed to meet his friends at the Chateau. When he got there, they were all getting ready to go surfing. JJ flopped down on the couch bed.

"JJ we are going surfing, get ready," Pope said as he walked out the door.

John B and Sarah walked out after him. JJ threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Why am I the one always getting left behind!"

"Hey! I'm still here" Kiara said. "But Pope's right, get ready, or I'll leave too,"

JJ groaned. "Just give me my backpack"

Kiara threw him his backpack and he grabbed his swimsuit. He then went into the bathroom to change.





Kiara walked over to his backpack. Since the glasses were at the bottom when she pulled them out, the contents of his backpack spilled out onto the bed.

"God JJ you such a slob!!!" Kiara yelled in the direction of the bathroom.

She grabbed the sunglasses but when she was about to walk away something caught her eye. JJ's bucket list. She picked up the notebook. Her heart skipped a beat at the words he had written on the page.

JJ's Bucket List

1: Marry Kiara Carrera

Of course, that was when JJ walked out of the bathroom.

"Kie! The glasses-" He froze when he saw what she was holding. He ran up and grabbed the notebook out of her hands. "You weren't supposed to see that!" They stood closer to each other now. Almost breathing the same air. Kiara finally met his eyes.

"Why did you write that?" Kiara whispered.

JJ smirked "It's a bucket list, is it not?" He said smugly.

Kiara rolled her eyes and stood up on her tippy toes. When their lips met, it felt right. JJ was startled at first but soon melted into the kiss. He might get his bucket list finished sooner than he thought. 

word count: 665

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