The first day in Plainview

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you wake up to y/b/n shaking you awake and your dad screaming your name "Y/N Y/N Y/N WERE HERE MUFFIN, WERE FINALLY HEREE" you blink you eyes a couple times and you smile at your dad and brother and hop out of the car while grabbing your book bag of small extra things that didn't have to be moved by the movers.

You stare at the house in aw while your dad puts an arm around your shoulder and says "she's a beaut am i right y/n" all you could do is nod your head while your jaw is still hanging wide open and your dad just laughs at you and pats your back and turns around when you suddenly hear your dad burst out laughing, you decide to turn around and see what he was laughing at and what he was laughing at was the van right beside your house which said "Löded Diper" VERY LARGE on the side you and your brother start laughing as well and you say in between breathes "damn tha- that's unfortunate am- am i right? whoever owns that- must be so mad that- that someone would do that to their van"
the laughter finally died down and you helped your dad and brother carry in boxes of stuff.

Your room was upstairs in the attic so it was quite a struggle to get the heavy boxes of clothes, shoes, cds, video games, etc... up there but you managed and decided to start putting your room together and making it more like you.
your bed was already in your room and your walls were already painted y/f/c (your favorite color) so you didn't hesitate to start putting up the easy things up since the main stuff was already good to go.
you turned on your spotify and started hanging up your posters, LED lights, plain CDs in which you painted, etc... about 2 hours later you were mostly done putting everything up and away when your dad called you down to eat dinner.


Once you and your family finish dinner you decide to go upstairs and do your nightly routine before bed, you shower, put on PJs, take off your makeup, say goodnight to your dad and brother and then go to your room to get ready to sleep when suddenly you hear little taps on your window where your balcony is (YES IK THIS ISNT IN THE MOVIES OH WELL THOUGH) so you freak out for a second and open the sliding door to the balcony and say "who's out here" when suddenly you get hit right in the nose with a letter block toy "OW WHAT THE FUCK?!" you whisper scream then you hear a pretty deep voice coming from the balcony beside your house saying "holy shit i'm so sorry are you ok?"
the guy came out from in the dark and awkwardly waved and you just stand there and stare while confused, slightly angry, hurt, and intrigued, you must've been staring for a hot minute cause you were brought back to reality by the mystery boy leaning over his balcony closer to yours and waving his hand in front of your face while smirking and saying "damn new girl, you really like the view that much? but seriously are you ok you never responded"
you snapped out of it and awkwardly chuckled and said "first of all the views pretty decent but i was more in shock due to the fact i was just hit in the face with a child's toy and second of all yeah i'm alright" you give him a reassuring smile towards the end of saying that and he finally speaks up and says "wow really? only "pretty decent" i'm offended" he says and does an offended scoff while grabbing his heart to show how hurt he was and this made you laugh which made him smile.
a few seconds later he reaches over the balcony railing and says "the names Rodrick Heffley, and you are?" while sticking out his hand for you to shake "y/l/n, y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you heffley" you say while smirking and shaking his hand.
"so tell me about yourself y/l/n" rodrick said.
you and Rodrick were up until sunrise talking about anything and everything but you finally realize what time it is and say "shit sorry Rodrick it's almost 6:30 AM i should go back to my room now and try to get some sleep" you said while frowning slightly.
you guys said goodnight and you went to sleep thinking about Rodrick Heffley, the emo boy next door.

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