Chapter 5/5: Love...

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It is now Saturday morning. Ichigo and Rukia hasn't woken up once, because they're too comfortable, that is until, somebody starts banging on the door. Rukia jumps up, and Ichigo falls out of bed. It's his dad. He yells...

Isshin: "Is everything okay in there, Ichigo?! Why is the door lock? What's going on in there?"

(Ichigo quickly wakes up properly...)

Ichigo: "Oh no... It's my dad. Rukia, quickly. Get in the closet,  now... Uhh... yes, everything is fine dad. I... uh... didn't realize that I locked the door. I'll be right there..."

(Rukia quickly went into the closet, and pretended to sleep, while Ichigo unlocks the door...)

Isshin: "Well, good morning, Ichigo! You sure had me worried there for a second. Breakfast is ready, so I'll meet you downstairs, and tell Rukia too when she wakes up, will ya?"

Ichiho: "Yeah, yeah, I will..."

Ichigo closes the door, and let out a big breath of relieve. He tells Rukia that it's okay to come out again. She comes out, and starts to giggle a bit.

Rukia: "Well, that's sure a way to get out of bed, isn't it, Ichigo?"

(Ichigo smiles, and scratches the back of his head...)

Ichigo: "Yes... it is. Uh... Good morning, Rukia. Did you sleep well?"

(Rukia smiles...)

Rukia: "Good morning, Ichigo, and yes I did. I slept very well, thanks. How about you?"

(Ichigo blushes...)

Ichigo: "Uh... same as you. I haven't slept so well in a while..."

(Rukia smiles, and then suddenly remembers something...)

Rukia: "Oh, no! We completely forgot about Kon! Quick! I've put him in your desk drawer!"

(Ichigo remains calm...)

Ichigo: "Oh, Kon. Of course. Well, you took him out of his stuffed animal body. So, just think of it as putting him to sleep for a night. No big deal."

Rukia: "You can be so heartless sometimes, Ichigo, but I guess that's true. It's not like he's gonna know that we kept him in a drawer for the night. Let's just make something up."

Ichigo opens the drawer, and puts the poor mod soul back into his body. He regains consciousness, and wants to know what happened. Ichigo and Rukia tries come up with an excuse...

Ichigo: "Uhm... you see... there was this... hollow... that hunted down... mod souls! Yeah. That's right. That's why Rukia started yelling at me. She was worried, and we didn't want to scare you... so... we just removed you from your body, and hid you away, until we... found, and destroyed the hollow... took us all night too..."

(Rukia nervously agrees...)

Rukia: "Y-yeah... that's right. Everything's okay now, Kon. So you don't have to worry about a thing..."

(Kon is confused...)

Kon: "What? Rukia worried about me? Wait... why do you guys look so guilty? Is that the truth? Or are you hid---"

(Ichigo interrupts, and changes the subject...)

Ichigo: "Whoa... is that the time already? Our breakfast must be getting cold. Let's go, Rukia..."

(Ichigo pulls Rukia with him by her arm, and then Kon tries to stop them...)

Kon: "Hey! I was gonna ask a question! Get back here!"

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