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Guys it's been a long time i haven't ask for votes and comments but i am watching the decreasing votes and comments at the same time. I can only request you to vote and suggest this story to your friends and readers if you're a writer.

It would be great help for me. Am planning a new mafia story after the completion of this story. If you're up for it then tell me because i will write when you guys are ready to vote and comment.


Listening the news the floor just slipped beneath her legs as the emotion of exasperation filled her mind and she couldn't comprehend that what she should do about this matter. She couldn't open her lips and devika stared at her in totally amazement as if she have got insane. Devika just fetch the glass full of water and handover her, devika make her sit over the nearby chair and make her drink the water.

"Amma what are you saying??" Nandini asked shaking slightly where tears were making their way through her beautiful eyes.

"Don't cry bachcha if not today then day after tomorrow you have to take this decision and i am not saying you to marry only dhruv because he is good and rich. You can tell me your choice and we can make that work because it's your life and marriage is the decision of whole life." Devika crease her head and nandini smiled fakely with tears.

"Amma i need little time to think about it. You know my exams are coming...." Nandini completed and ran away towards terrace without listening her mother's further explanations.

She reached the terrace and look each and every corner of it and remember everything that she felt about him that day. She still don't know precisely what she think about him. She saw herself and manik holding each other hand sitting on the swing. She cried more and sat on her knees digging her face in her palms and cried while her back was touching the steel railing. She sniffles and try to stop those tears but more she tried to wipe them more they come out.

She just got up from the ground and not knowing anything, she just ran to her room and grabbing her mobile she scroll and the numbers she had in her contacts............finally she got the number she so wanna talk with and dialled it.

Here manik was walking in the garden with kabir when his phone rang. He took it out and after watching the caller id, he smiled.

"Bhai, bhabhi is calling you at late night." Kabir teased and manik just touch the green icon splashing on the screen and put it on his ear with bright smile.

He couldn't hear more than her cries and sniffles voice. He called her again and again but she was continuously crying.

"Hello nandu just tell me what's the problem. Tell me nandu. Please stop crying." He said with his charming voice which was unknowingly making her heart race in another rhythm.

"I want to meet you nearby my house." Nandini said in creaked voice and manik instantly told her the adress where they could meet possibly.

Just in 10 minutes he reached the destination and found her waiting for himself. He just get off from the car and reach near her hurriedly.

"Hey nandu now tell me why are you crying like that??" He asked while chinning her up and got shocked looking at her red eyes and cheeks. Her beautiful eyes were still filled with the fat tear which he wipe instantly.

But to his fortunate self she just hug him and cried digging her face into his chest and cried again. She was sniffling meanwhile manik was smiling and wrapping his one arm around her he rubbed her back with his another palm. He smiled looking down at her distressing self. It was their first hug and manik was totally enjoying it, though he felt really bad to see her upset but he knew that he is gonna make her happy in last.

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